"To Snoopy :Sorry" by CashMan55

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Dear Sir Snoopy, I am truly sorry for disrespecting after I lied and talked back to you after you told me to say the truth for what I did. I really didint meen to offend you and simply was hopeing I could just stay in the army. I had been preaty good

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for around 2 weeks and had reached Seargent I think (sorry this was like 1 month ago) and I really wanted to just stay in army rather then trash all my ar away. In Conclution I really did not try to offend you by lieing just tried to keep myslef from...

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getting fired again. I just want you to know Im sorry and I didint know you would get upset.


#Note: I did addmit to it eventually when I realized how stupid I had been. SozFoDelay