"Rebel Guide" by aKrush

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=================== Rebels Guide
By: aKrush

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Table of Contents:

3. What a rebel does.
4-5. Who is the leader of the rebels?
6. Who is the main enemy of the rebels?
7. Rebel Missions.
8-9. Rebel Capital.
10-12. Rebel Advice
13. Conclusion.

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What is the job of a rebel?

Rebels are people who do not agree with the way the vindex government operates and their job is to rebel against vindex, Whether it is with peace of violance.

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Who is the leader of the rebels?

The Warlord is the leader of the rebels. Each Warlord is elected by the people and is incharge of the rebels for a month before the next election. If a rebel does not follow the rules of the Warlord,

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the Warlord is allowed to fire them.

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Who are the rebels main threat?

It is a Soldier's job to hunt rebels in the wild and stop them from doing whatever their doing. The rebels will also attack the Soldiers in warfare along with fort brag in vindex nation.

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Rebel Missions

Warfare isnt the only thing rebels do. Rebels when they feel threatened will go on the offensive and attack Fort Brag, Pentagon or any big government area.

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Rebel Capital

Like other government jobs, the rebel's have their own Headquarters/ Base of operations. The location is only revealed by the Warlord or by trusted rebels. Besides the base of operations, the rebels have multiple territory

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scattered around the city. This is used to evade police and just a safehouse for any rebels who are hiding for whatever reason.

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Being a rebel is a very dangerous job since most of the jobs you will be doing are illegal and can get you targeted by not only government workers but infact regular people. If you find yourself in a sticky situation and feel

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that you cannot fight your way out, try and get some help. When another rebel sees a rebel in trouble, they will usually do their best to help them. It is always advised that you stick together so you can avoid these types of situations. There is no i in

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team so dont feel afraid to ask for help.

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If you follow this guide you will be a successful top notch rebel. Good luck fighting against the Vindex Government.