"Court BobbyJeffy" by VDD

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Your Honor, I would like to sue BobbyJoe for scamming for vaccines and attempting to overdose patients.

As a surgeon, it is common knowledge that they may not apply vaccines to others - that job is not for a surgeon.

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Further notice is given as BobbyJoe has been publically seen announcing their sale of "permanent immunity" vaccines on the radio, which is not true. Vaccines create further immunity, not permanent.

Now, when I was purchasing one, the other party told me

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to follow them out of the main entrance building (spawn), and they brought me outside where they flipped over their shotgun (sorry, your honor, no evidence on that), and then to a vaccine. Instead of applying it to me, they then handed three of them to me

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and told me to spam click them. As selling them, they proved that they are in no way certified as they didn't even know that a patient can't apply a vaccine to themselves. They also can't do it, hence are scamming. The overdose comes in because having

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three vaccines applied at once is of great risk, and if the patient could have done it, there may have been a great danger of further sickness, and possibly death.

That's all, your honor.
(BobbyJeffy, not BobbyJoe. Don't know RP name)