"~Application" by Mavly

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IGN: Mavly

Timezone: Eastern

Times I'm online: 5:00pm-8:30pm but sometimes all day

Are you multilingual: I speak Fluent English and Fluent French

How long have you played the server 1y

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Maturity Level:
7/10 I like the common jokes. I do curse, but when its a serious moment I snap to it.

Why should you accept me? I love the minecraft community, even though it is harsh at times. I don't really rage. If I were to leave/quit I would say my

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goodbye's and demote myself. Not curse towards you.

Why do you want to work here? Well I do know you are a mod, but that is not the reason, I have made business's similar to this one and they people did not care about it because I didn't really know how

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to get people coming so maybe working at your cafe could be a step up and could be a fun experience for me and I would be memorizing everything you tell me to do :D and I see myself as a good member of your team. Hope to work with ya :DDDDDD

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Any additional information? I do have recipes for making drinks and I am like a farmer I restock a lot of things so maybe that can work for your cafe I can put a lot of food into it and ya :) I remember when Vindex still had /msg

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Happy member of the vindex community .,;;,.