"Charter of CMS" by Gabriel_DNG

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The Charter of
Canes Medical School

Compromised of the Acts and Resolves of the General Court of the Vindex Nation concerning the Canes Medical School and Related materials


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This Charter is written by the fifthteenth Secretary of Health and Human Services Dr. Gabriel Leo Barclay


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An Act to Incorporate the Canes Medical School, 2023, and to Grant Aid fromn the Barclay Health Foundation and to the Department of Health and Human Services.

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Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court assembled, and by the authority
of the same, as follows:

Section 1

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Gabriel L. Barclay, Crepe Adams, Cata Houla, Clare Brown, A. Tyler, Percy Fairweather, Yasmine
Fleury, Thomas Canes, their associates and successors, are hereby made a body corporate by the
name of the Canes Medical School, for the purpose of instituting & maintaining

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g a society of
science, a hospital of medical research, and a school of industrial science, and aiding generally, by
suitable means, the advancement, development and practical application of science in connection with arts, philosopy, manufactures and

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commerence; with all the powers and privileges, and subject to all the duties, restrictions and liabilities, set forth in the sixty-eighth chapter of the General Statutes.

Section 2
The Health
corporation, for the

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purposes aforesaid, shall have authority to hold real and personal
estate to an amount not exceeding 3 million dollars.


Section 10

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This act shall be null and void, unless its provisions shall be accepted within one year, by the Canes
Medical School, and the Department of Health and Human Services, so far as they apply to those
societies respectively.

Approved June 20, 23

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Acceptance by Canes Medical School
Viridis, June 22, 2023

To His Excellency the President and the Honourable the Cabinet of Vindex Nation:


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At a meeting of the Canes Medical School held on Tuesday, June 22nd (tbc), 2023 , at the rooms of
the Headquarter of Health and Human Services in this city, the Institute having been permanently organised and a government elected, the following Resolve was adopted:

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“Resolved that the Canes Medical School accept the Charter and other provisions of the Act of June 20, 2023, relating to said Institute.”

Resolved that a copy of the preceding Resolution, signed by the Chancellor and Vice-Chancellors be forthworth furnished

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to the Secretary of State.

Gabriel L. Barclay
Chancellor, Canes Medical School

- An Act in Addition to the Act to Incorporate the Canes Medical School

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- An Act to Assent to the Purpose of and to Accept the Grants of 2023, Money Authorised by the Treasury and Barclay Health Foundation for the More Complete Chapter Endowment and Support of Colleges for the Benefit of Health and medicine

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- An Act to Authorise the Canes Medical School to, Hold Additional Real and
Personal Estate

- An Act to Authorise the Canes Medical School to 2023, Receive Real and Personal Property by Gift, Devise or Bequest

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- An Act Authorising Canes Medical School to Award Graduate Degrees and Honorary Degrees in Conjunction with Certain Other Institutions

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- An Act Authorising The Board of Trustees to appoint the Chancellor and Vice-Chancellors of this Institution

This act shall take effect upon its passage

June 20, 2023

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The Sections of each Act can be found in school announcement in DHHS Discord.

This Book is the simplified version of the Canes Medical School Charter. this will be used for the opening, graduation and special ceremony.

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The content in this charter can only be changed under the decision of the Board of Trustees.

This book is only for ceremonial use by the Chancellor, Vice- Chancellor and the Honorary President
(Giving Honorary degrees to foreign diplomatic guests)

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Approved and written by
Dr. Gabriel L. Barclay
Founder, Chancellor of Canes Medical School

22nd June, 2023