"Fallout book 2" by ishootu247

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Ahh finally moring better start walking long way to go if there still is civilazation nice day to walk it not that hot [scavenger] i won't be to sure about that [max] oh no [scavenger] oh yes drop your wepons and know one gets hurt

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only you get hurt [max] hay i have food water i'll give it to you if you just let me go [scavenger] your way to weak you look like a vault dweller [max] well i am one i guess i woke up in one [scavenger] come with me if you want to be strong [max] ok hay

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whats your name [scavenger] my real name is mark my nickname is bullet yours [max] max [bullet] well we should start heading to the city [max] wait there is a citry? [bullet] ya its about 50 miles from here [max] 50 MILES! [bullet] relax i know a train

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we can take the only problem are bandits come on the train is 5 miles from here [max] ok *later that day at the train* [bullet] ok listen the person who drives this train has some anger issues so don't get him mad [max] ok [bullet] hay red [red] hello

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bullet who is this [bullet] this is max i found him we need to get to the city i will pay 15 bottle caps [red] ok come [max] hello red [red] hello ok the train is on we should be there in 3 hours [bullet] thanks for doing this red [max] hay bullet] how

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have we been riding for? [bullet] 1 hour [bandit] GET THE CARGO [red] oh no bullet max we got some bandits [max] bandits i never even killed someone [bullet] well your about to grab your gun and shoot [max] ok *bang* bang* *bang* *bang* [max] i think we

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got them all [bandit] nope *bang* [max] AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! IM HIT [bullet] red step on it [red] ok we should be there in 1 hour keep him alive tell them there is a med pack in the back [bullet] ok you will be ok max.

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Written by:Ishootu247

Find out what will happen in the next book.