"Shadow News" by WhosRanium

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----Shadow News---

This weeks article on Shadow News! reports showcase the police activity has decreased on most parts, and meanwhile while at times the bank is heavily guarded we are still questioning the cases of Our Taxi Drivers, Latest news states

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for the past few days taxi drivers are charging the additional 40+ to the original 20 dollars, this has many vindexian switching to the metric system! thats right folks get comfy on those bus stops cause our best bet is the bus!

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--Police Struggle---

many are blinded by our army's increase in power cause of our rising ranks, but isnt it just hiding the fact that our own nation's enforcers are weak?
Shadow News says it here first the decrease in our police force is a effect

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Of the Increase of the military power of vindex. While we may have power in the battlefield, we dont have law in our own streets. The Lack of police support has put vindexians at harm for the past week cause of lack of protection, aid and justice.

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Government Scandal
-------------------iPutting aside the lack of police force, there is much more lacking in our vindexian government, unknownly the current popular craize of many companies' happens to be the dealing of drugs! now, not just any drug,

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but the dealing of meth. Weeks ago the DEA which has been incharge of putting a stop of drug use in vindex has been nearly extinct in our nation, as rarely workers of the DEA are found in vindex.
now many may know the many notorious drugs out there so you

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may question, why meth is rising above in dealing among other drugs. Meth was common in vindex until The DEA Put in forbid use of diffrent materials, most of the material put to a stop by the DEA was vital to make meth, and now the current absence of the

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DEA is leading the creation of the notorious drugs along as the recreation of meth. As the rise of the drug use increases this puts the medic centers hospitals, and EMT's at a all time need. For drug care and injury service.

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----Navy Return----

The Navy has always been a small branch in the vindexian army, cause of its lack of power it was rated as one of the weakest of the vindexian squadrons ranking as the lowest for several weeks. The Navy has always been at disadvantage

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The Navy wasnt as informed as the other squadrons cause of its absence of leader and connection with other squadrons. Not to late ago, guinessgeneral former mayor chose to fill in the seat as a Navy Admiral In hopes to bring the Navy Force To greatness

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alongside the other vindexian squadrons. Now given the Navy has a new guidance it has improved grately and as guinessgeneral is a well known elite in the vindexian army he serves great as the leader for his respect in the vindex army.
Although the Navy

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Force has increased in power in the vindexian army's ranks, the Task Force which has been lead by sherlock1010 is still top in ranks in the vindexian army.

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