"Star Wars:Book 1" by FuryFalcon12

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Minecraft Star Wars
A New Hope
-------------------Chapter 1: The Empire
Chapter 2: The Young one
Chapter 3: The Droids
Chapter 4: Jedi Training
Chapter 5: Jedi Master
Chapter 6: Lightsaber

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Chapter 7: The Battle
Chapter 8: The Deathstar
Chapter 9: Time has Come
Chapter 10: The Story
------------------- The Empire
-------------------The Empire was ruled by the most powerful person or so the Sith thought.

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The Sith Lord rules over every single planet in the galaxy. The Sith Lord can do everything a Jedi could. Move stuff with his mind, has a lightsaber, but one thing he has that a jedi doesnt is he can shoot lightning out of his fingers.

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In case you were wondering the Sith Lord turned into one by his hatred and fear. Hatred and Fear is what turns a Jedi into the Dark Side. Also everyone knows that you never underestimate the power of the Dark Side. Exept for the Jedi Master and another

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person and that is where our story begins.
------------------- The Young One
-------------------On the planet Mixel there lived a boy named Stan Low. Stan was a really powerful but he never new. So a Jedi Master, Ryan Young saw how much power he

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had. Stan was never filled with fear or hatred. Stan never saw his dad or mom. His dad died from fighting against the Empire and his mom left when Stan was young. Stan was only 6 and he was working to make 2 droids to help find his mother.

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------------------- The Droids
------------------- Stan finished the droids it took him 10 years to make them. Now Stan is 16. He named one C4-ST and R9-ST. C4-ST can speak every single language and R9-ST had a malfunction so he says beep.

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C4-ST wanted to be named Bob though. C4-St was made out of some scrap metal and R9-ST was made out of some Blue paint Iron and gold. They were made to find Stans mom so he wont be lonley. He tried the sensors but they didnt work. Than C4-ST said " Don't

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worry master Stan you will find her" Than R9-ST added "Beep beep boop boop beep"
So once Stan figured out what R9 said he said "your right guys". So Stan went back to his hut and began working on R9-ST and C4-ST to work on there sensors.

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------------------- Jedi Training
-------------------Jedi Master Ryan asked Stan to train in Jedi. So Stan said "yes" and he brung his droids with him. Hoping they wont be annoying during his training. Ryan did a great job in teaching him the

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ways of the Jedi. It was time for the finnal test to become a Jedi. Stan passed it he was ready to fight against the Empire and restore peace to the land! Stan created the fastest spaceship named Stanny Flight. The most fastest spaceship now he was ready.

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------------------- Lightsaber
------------------- Stan created his first triple lightsaber for his lightsaber trainging with ryan. Stan was a little rusty as ryan said. But as he kept on training he got better and better. He stoped on the planet

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Yan for a perfetional spaceship driver. He found one at a bar called SouthPaul Dinner. His name was Lenny. Lenny was a big fuzzy and furry creature. When Lenny didnt belive he was a jedi Stan showed him the lightsaber and how he can control stuff. Stan

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decided to go on a mission by him self to verse the Sith.
------------------- The Battle
------------------- As soon as Stan stepped into the planet Flan where all the dark side people were he regreted it but he had to do it.
He went to where the

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Sith was. He found the Sith and battled him. With Lighting and a red double lightsaber and a green triple lightsaber. The Sith was about to win but the the first Jedi jumped right in and battled the Sith off and got Stan to get out of there. But Fofo

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(The First Jedi) Could not hold him off so he had to flee to.
------------------- Deathstar
-------------------When the Sith was mad at a planet he decided to destroy planets for revenge so he started constructing the Deathstar. But he

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was really mad at the workers for not working as hard as they can. So he decided to force choke them. It was almost done. So he decided to pay them nothing when they finished.
------------------- The Story

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This is how The Empire became the Empire. Jedi Pepe, also known as the Sith Lord. When Jedi Pepe got furiouse with Fofo he decided to create his own force and rule over all the planets! So he did and he did great at it! Than when Fofo tried to battle him

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Pepe was too powerful so he had to flee. Stan's dad died from Pepe. Stan's dad was a Jedi Master when he was 20. Thats why Stan is so powerful. Now they know Stan is there only Hope!
------------------- The End!
Star Wars
A New Hope