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"Green Shrek" by findude9
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Shrek was woken up and faced the sun as it was morning. Shrek started to sing his theme song as known as "Allstar - Smash Mount". Shrek was a happy fellow. He walked through the forest to find some food and eventually got lost. His smile inverted and
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tries to find a way out. Shrek fell into a pit, it was full of green-marsh mud thing and the mud solidified, giving him the distinctive green colour of Shrek. However, do you know that isn't how shrek became green? He was green already. He got rid of the
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green mud by washing himself in a high-tech shower and becomes sad. Shrek looks into his dairy he had since high school and decide to read. It says in the book that he ate frogs and that made him sick. So he turned green. Shrek is no longer sick, but he
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is still green. Shrek decides to watch Shrek movies and that's the tale of how Shrek gone green.
the end