"FGERG" by EatingCookie

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Wich management level most needs conceptual skills?

-C: Executive managers

Decision makers who are concerned with tactical short term operational problems are?

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-A: Middle Managers

Wich type of leader makes all decisions and then tells employees what to do?

-A: Autocratic

Which type of manager would a CEO or CFO be?

-A: Executive Manager

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How do you find profit in a business?

-B: Revenue - Expenses

Organizing is importent because?

-D: All of the above

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Which of the following would most likely be a middle managment position?

-D: Plant manager

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Basic Law
We drive on right

Someone can sue max of 2k

If someone murdering i need to arrest

If someone kills an animal in the city i need to arrest

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The suprime judge is the arroney general

You can find the laws in /laws

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Where can you find a list of all the disease?

-D: /Help

How to cure alcohol poisoning?

-B: Give the patient Tons of milk and bread

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Where does a doctor works?

-A: At the hospital or at his office (Which he buy himself)

Is the patient comes to you or you to them?

-A: Usually they comes to me unless i have a special call

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If a player choking, what do you do?

-C: Slap them on the back