"Congress Luke" by lukeblaster9

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To my fellow Vinish Citizens:

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Howdy folks, I, Luke Barnes, am running for Congress of the great nation Vindex and would like to express in this pamphlet my goals as congress and what I hope to achieve in my term.

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My goals as congress:

1. I would like to unite Vindex, no more walls built up, seperating all of us fellow Vinish Citizens from one another. No longer shall their be a predjudiced against cops, soldiers, rebels, or any other fellow citizens.

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2. I believe we should do more to help the community, there is a very high rate of homeless in the Vinish nation, and we need to do more to help these people. With that said, I would like to create the Helping Hands Foundation, providing food and water

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for homeless, temporary shelter, and a small allowance to allow them to get back on their feet and succeed.

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3. I would like to create the Disaster Relief Program, or, D.R.P. In the case that there was a mass shooting, bombing, economy crash, or natural disaster, we would be there to assist the victims and help them recover from the said events, and provide

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therapy to those who may need it in some cases. We would also provide food, water, and temporary shelter until they managed to get back on their feet.

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4. I would like to form another program raising awareness of what the cops around Vindex truly do, and show how much they really help out, called Blue for You. I would like to use this program to raise awareness, put a set allowance to help cops pay for

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the items they need, ammo, shields, weapons, etc. and for cops who are in need of food, water, or shelter, I would like to provide them with that.

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5. I would like to write a law, in which cops aare required to lets people off with warnings on certain crimes, such as driving wrecklessly, jumping over bank desk without intentions of robbing, holding a gun out without intent of firing, etc.

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6. I would like to allow more freedoms to prisoners, and try to recruit more prison guards, as some prisoners have minor offences, yet suffer 30 minutes in a cell for something as small as wreckless driving. I would like for them to be able to go outside,

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have more visitors, play games, and have some necessary freedoms.

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7. I would like require warnings for possesion of marijuana, instead of an arrest right off the bat for posession of marijuana, it should first be confiscated and they should be let off with a warning, and this shall be recorded in a book, on second

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offenses the said person would have the marijuana confiscated, be sent to a therapist, and then let go, and on the third offense have the marijuana confiscated, sent to a therapist, and then sent to jail time to recover and possibly end their handling

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8. I would like to write a law, stating that in court, if the defendant cannot afford a lawyer, a lawyer will be provided by the government free of cost. If this law cannot be passed, then I would like to create a foundation in which we hire lawyers, and

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pay them to take cases for free, so that a defendant may receive a lawyer free of cost.

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9. All in all, my goal as a congressman is to help the Vinish people, to unite us, and to be as peaceful as can be, rather than using violence and force. And to break down the walls built between us people as a nation, to help the poor and needy, and to

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raise awareness for the cops, as they do so much for you that you don't even know about.

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10. Homes for People, or H.P. is another group I would like to make, we would recruit people to build homes in wilderness, and sell them cheap to people who need them. Maybe one day we could buy slots of land for cheap in Vinish lands and build cheap

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houses for people. It would also provide cheap landscaping to people in Vindex.

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11. I would also like to write a law stating price gouging in States of Emergency is illegal, Price Gouging would be timing your average price of a necessary item (water, food, gas, and clothing) 3 times or more, you can times the price by 2 times tops.

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12. I would also like to write a law stating a bar may sell 3 weak drinks, or 2 medium drinks, or 1 strong drink. This is to make sure people do not drink and drive, keep people from getting overly drunk and having adverse reactions, and etc.

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13. I would like to create the Disease Eradication and Prevention Foundation, providing cheap medicine, vaccines, and other medical necessities to people who cannot afford it, and preventing outbreaks of diseases.

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14. I would like to create the Wilderness Protection and Preservation Foundation, or W.P.P.F.
which would fence off scenic areas to be preserved and protected from destruction, building, and hunting, to preserve the natural beauty. The program

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would also open parks, containing sitting areas, fishing areas, hunting areas, and camping areas at cheap costs to allow all citizens of Vindex to enjoy the scenic sites of Vindex.

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15. I would like to create the Agricultural Support Foundation, or A.S.F. which would supply seeds, carrots, potatoes, beetroots, sugarcane, and saplings at cheap prices to help farmers and to get new farms started. This would open new businesses,

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would give more supplies, would lower the cost of woods, fruits, and vegetables. There would be a limit on how much is sold, 10 saplings per person, and 64 of everything else.

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16. I would like to create the Adult Education Foundation, or A.E.F. which would supply education to all citizens of vindex for a low cost. There would be courses on redstone, medicine, business, law, politics, and etc.

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17. I would also like to create the Narcotics Abuse Prevention and Aid, or N.A.P.A. which would provice therapy for narcotics users, and help them get off narcotics. It would also hire a team, consisting of a doctor, D.E.A. Agent, and former narcotics

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abuser, who would teach lessons to people, showing the effects of narcotics, what it leads to, and ultimately preventing people from using narcotics.