"CID004 Report" by snoopyfun

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CID004 Report


Subject did not know he broke a military law and said that no one told him he had to make an official resignation. He was clueless on the topic.

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Important Details:

Subject clearly did not know any of the military laws, he said it himself.
He told me that no one really taught him anything and said no one told him he had to make a resignation.
Said that Mike only taught him the basics

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Subject says he does not recall Sherlock or Puff saying anything about leaving, or how to leave.
Subject actually said he didn't remember anything Sherlock told him.

The Subject also said that he left because the pay was not enough. He thought

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he would be better off as a cop, but made bad decisions and became a crimminal.

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Interesting Details:

Subject said that Mikester97 would, half of the time, run away when he was asking him something.

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Information Gathered By: Snoopyfun

Sirmcplayer117 - In an interview over the phone

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- Joined army because he thought he'd like it there
- Left because the pay was not good enough,
- Thought he would be better off as a cop, but became a crimminal. - Admitted to joined SECCOM before he left. - Admitted to not

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officially leaving SECCOM.
- Said he told everyone in global before he left.
- Said "uhh no one told me" when I told him he had to make an official resignation.
- Was in the 1st batt
- Said Mike only taught him the basics.

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- "half the time he ran away while I was asking a question to him" (Towards mike)
- Mike never told him anything about how to leave SECCOM
- Does not recall Sherlock or Puff telling him anything about leaving.
- Did not know he broke a military

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- Asked "what did I break", clearly not versed in military laws. - Said "Never really knew the military laws"
- Asked what I would do with the info