"Template" by 5creen

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There are to authorise you, by Beat of Drum or otherwise, to raise Volunteers in any County or part of this Our Realm, for a Regiment of Fencibles under your Command for Our Service, which is to consist of Two Companies, of Two Serjeants, Two

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Corporals and Twelve Private Soldiers in each Company, besides Commissioned Officers; which Volunteers are to serve in Wilden only. And all Magistrates, Justices of the Peace, Constables, and other Our Civil Officers whom it may concern, are hereby required to be assisting unto

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you in providing quarters, and otherwise, as there shall be occaison.

Given at Our Court at [Where], this [#th] Day of [Month], [2023], in the [First] Year of Our Reign.

By His Majesty's Command,

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To Our [Trusty and Well-beloved] [...], Colonel of Our Regiment of Fencibles to be forthwith raised, or to the Officers appointed to raise men for Our said Regiment.