"Star Wars Book 1" by FuryFalcon12

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Star Wars
Just The Start
By: FuryFalcon12
-------------------Chapter 1: Tie Fighters
Chapter 2: Stormtroopers
Chapter 3: Snokie
Chapter 4: Scavenger
Chapter 5: Captured
Chapter 6: The Droid
Chapter 7: Sith Lord

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Chapter 8: Jedi Knight
Chapter 9: Apprentice
Chapter 10: Constructing
Chapter 11: It's Done
Chapter 12: Doom
------------------- Tie Fighters
-------------------On the planet Havoc there were explotions in the air! It was the Tie Fighters against

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the Rebel's X-Wings. The Rebels were winning the battle but then the empires Deathstar came in and desotryed all the ships except the Tie Fighters. There were 3 ships left. People in white suit's. They were there to capture the all the people in the crash

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that were alive. The 3
X-Wings had to flee with out the others.
------------------- Stormtroopers
-------------------The men in white suits were called Stormtroopers they were there to make sure no more rebel scums came and tried to bring peace back

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to the land. They had to follow every command. If they didn't it could have led to big trouble. The person who created them was Snokie. Also known as the Siths apprentice. Snokie was once a jedi untillfear and hatred took over and turned him into the dark

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side now all he does is worry, have anger, and rages.
------------------- Snokie
-------------------Snokie was a very powerful being he was very nice when he was a boy. He left to become a jedi with Master Jojo. But he became angry with Jojo and

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killed Jojo and the Sith was there to tell him come to the dark side we will be the most powerful beings in the universe so he did. He finished his training with the Siththere is still more stuff he needs to learn but he is almost done with his training.

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Snokie's original name was Jack. Then he got his name Snokie and Jack was no longer to be seen. He had nothing left of him.
------------------- Scavenger
-------------------Back on the planet Havoc lived a young boy named Ryan Fidel
he was very

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powerful but never knew. Ryan never traveled the galaxy he was always in his hut with his step dad and mom. His dad he never met. Ryan's dad was the best flyer you would ever see. He could fly anything. Then when they were fighting there was a crash. They

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didn't knows who ship it was. So his dad never came home. So his mom knew he was dead. His mom would cry every time she would here the story. But they think his dad is still out there, hopefully. Later there was a break in. They took Ryans mom and him.

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------------------- Captured
-------------------They were captured on the Empires own planet they created. No one would be able to find them. The Empire has been trying to find them forever. The Sith wants to kill his mom and hi, because the

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Sith thinks they have to much power if they are with each other and his plans could be ruined. The Stormtroopers were making sure they wouldn't escape. Ryan heard of Jedi mine tricks so Ryan tried to do it. He said "You will let us go" the Stormtrooper

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said "want me to kill you now stop it". Ryan kept repeating him self finnalu the stormtrooper said "I will let you go". Ryan was so amazed it worked. He thought he could become a jedi. Then a droid walked up.
------------------- The Droid

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-------------------There was a Neon green and pink droid in front of him. He had a box head and a circle for legs. The droid could move fast. He picked up the mom and Ryan on his head and went as fast as he could. Ryan said "What are you doing" then mom

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said "Don't yell at the droid he could help us". The droid made a weird sound. But his mom could understand the droid. He said "They are looking for both of your because of how much power you have". Ryan said "no way i have power thats impossible". His

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mom said "nothing's impossible". Ryan said in his head "really mom". When they were on the droid they saw a man in a black robe and the droid unit just magicly stopped working.
------------------- Sith Lord
-------------------It was the Sith Lord.

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The sith lord was the most powerful being on the planet or so he thought. Only 1 person is stronger then him. That is the master jedi, the first jedi. The Sith can jump really high have a lightsaber and control stuff with his mine. There is two things

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that a sith has and a jedi doesnt. They can force choke people to death and shoot lightning through there fingers. The Sith was basicly the head of the Empire. He ruled over every single planet in the galaxy. All jedi's tried to stop him but couldnt. Just

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then a mysteriouse man jumped out flashed his lightsaber and fought the sith.
------------------- Jedi Knight
-------------------It was a jedi knight. They were the people that fought against the Empire and rebeled. They were very powerful

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to. The man's name was Zane. He has been a jedi for 5 years. He just became a Jedi and was looking for an apprentice to teach. Zane was a very skilled jedi. Zane almost won untill the sith shot him with lightning. He was able to stay alive by blocking it

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with his lightsaber. He almost died but jumped onto a ship called the renegades. The droid unit, Ryan, and ryans mom jumped on with him. The jedi scanned his mom and him. He said "you two are very powerful. The sith wants you". Ryan was in shock that the

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droid was right. Then Zane asked "do you want to be my apprentice young one".
------------------- Apprentice
-------------------They were training for a long time with the force. Ryan tried more of the jedi mine tricks. Zane was a very good

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teacher. He said "I know your dad Ryan". Ryan said "how do you know my name"? Zane replied "your dad used to be a great spaceship driver. Then he died". Ryan was deppresed that his dad was dead. They contiuned there training. Ryan got his own lightsaber.

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It was bright neon green. It looked very powerful. It was double sided but he could change it to 1 if he wanted to. Zane tought Ryan how to use it and how to block bolts with it. Ryan was very skilled with his lightsaber. He didn't make 1 mistake. Then he

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got blind folded to see if he could use the force at the same time.
He did well at it but Zane thought he could have done better. Then up in the sky there was a big moon shaped ball in the sky. ------------------- Constructing

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They were constructing the most powerful wepon of all the Deathstar close to being finished that is where the Sith would live. It could destory a whole planet into bits. The sith wanted to get revenge on all of the planets he hated. So he decided to

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destroy them. The people would die or they would escape in time. The Sith was waiting for the day to come in just 1 week it would have been done and he could destroy all the planets if he wanted to. Now he knew no one would ever under estimate the power

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of the dark side.
------------------- It's Done
---) 1 week later (---
-------------------It was finnaly finished the Sith was so happy. they were ready to power the gun to destroy the planets he hated. First on his planet list

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was Havoc! He took the energy from the sun and when the sun was all gone it means he was ready to fire. On the planet Havoc everyone was in there ships ready to flee. The missles shot and hit 3 ships and never stopped moving. It hit the planet just then

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all you could hear was a boom. Loud and clear. Everyone was now frightened.
------------------- Doom
-------------------On the death star snokie and the sith were talking about plans. On how to destroy the rebels. Snokie then got mad and

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wnet into his room and lightsabered everything then went back to the sith. The sith was like "chill brah". Then Snokie was furiouse and tried to kill him but the sith brain washed him so he was never mad and tried to kill the sith. Then the first jedi

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walked in.
-------------------Want to join the company and write books with the author! If so we are looking for some new writers to help get some ideas. Our business is ScorvitoInc. Just msg FuryFalcon12 for more info.