"The Camping Trip" by toripoo111

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One day i little girl in a forest her family was having a camping trip. They were roasting there smoars. They heard a rushel in the bushes. What was it? They didnt worry they were in the woods it was probably a squrill. So they kept roasting then finally.

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They went to bed and fell asleep. The daughter slept in 2 person tent while her parents slept in a 4 person tent. The daughter felt hands shaking her tent she thought her mom was there. So she did the worst mistake. "mom" whispered the little girl. Then..

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She felt her tent being draged away super fast hitting bushes and trees'.
She screamed when her parents heard they were too late the little girl was gone... The parents called 911 but the sheriff had no clue where they were.

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They made it worse by exploring to try to find the daughter.
The dad and mom decided to seperate.
The mom went west the dad went north. The dad scurried through bushes Same as the mom. Then...

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The dad heard his daughter the mom didnt so the dad ran toward the sound to see his daughter hung by a branch dead... The dad cried loudly. Then a hand went over the dad mouth. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

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The dad was pulled into the brush... The mom heard the dad shout. She ran toward the sound the fog hitting her damp face. She trips over a stick. She gets a cut in her leg. Then she heres sirens. She runs toward the flashing red and blue lights.

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She bumps into a man. It was her husband. "Where is our daughter?" questioned mom "i will tell you later get in cop car." yelled dad
The cops left the seen passing by quickly.

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1 week later after the mom got out of the shower. Still crying asked mom where is she?? She was hanging dead... i found her and then somone grabed me then sirens then the guy ran.

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The mystery was still a mystery the cops went to the scene. They found nothing. Had this been a dream? Had it been real life? I guess you will never know...