"Vinnish Front" by Srodins

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=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= All Quiet on
The Vinnish

A True Tale
About the horros
I've witnessed in
The Vinnish Armed

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"The Only equalizer in war is death"


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=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Forward
In my time as a Vinnish Soldier I've Spent 7 Months In total in both the Navy and Army as a SGT Major and a Master Chief.

What I saw in those months I shall never forget.

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=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Raids Of the Pentagon
In one particular rebel raid I remember being beside my dying friends one in particular stood out. We shall call him Thomas.

Thomas I've known for quite some time,

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He shared a tent with me in warfare and we played cards and chatted about stories from our youth. As the raid took place I specifically remember seeing him laying on the steps of the pentagon with a thompson hole in his stomach. As I rushed Up to thomas

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all I could see is the true look of horror in his eyes of the uncertainty of weather he'd die that day or not. He screached for me unlike I've ever heard him. Begging me not to let hom die as I laid there on my knees trying to quail the blook gushing from

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the wound... I'll never forget that deep red color as he laid there screaming to see his lady back home again. Begging to stay alive, kid had a bright future ahead of him, he knew it, I knew it. But as I sat there looking at him I could see thomas's eyes

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going into an unconcious state and I could feel his soul departing from him. I'll never forget the look thomas had to him. I still have dreams about him.


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=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Ambush

In warfare this memory shall always haunt me.

Me and another young man were ordered to capture to position on top of a various sniper point which the

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rebellian was using as an outpost, we were 2 new recruits. Not much training. So we were directed by our general to ambush it VIA plane. we spawned the plane and took off. As we aproached our destination we began to be bombarded with heavy gunfire. We did

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an emergency landing on top the other side of the roof. My friend climbed out of the rubble and almost immediatly got shot in the head. It was me now, there were 3 rebels armed with snipers and tommy's. I began to swiftly avoud their gun fire and managing

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to kill them all ruthlessly. As I went up to giv the signal i was directed to on the ledge of the roof a friendly sniper hit me in the right upper side up the chest. It was another soldier believing i was a rebel.

I was taken to medical care after

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and I was given no recognition or compensation.