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"Max's tale." by doomessenger4654
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There was once a man named max. He was a member of a swat team. This was a dangerous job, but he had bigger things on his mind. Yes, though his job was to risk his life every day, He knew what was most important. Love, and its pursuit. He knew, though his
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life was one fraught with peril, that he had to seek the only thing that could ever truly be worth his life. Carol. Or whatever her name is. He didn't tell me. But anyways, there is an old saying. Ask, and ye shall receive. This is exactly what he had
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intended to do. And as he suspected, it turned out very well for him, for she said yes. Now, they would have turned out well, happy ending and all that. But it turned out...
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That Ghia... (His crush's name)
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Was actually....
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And she ate him.
THE END. (What do you want from me, it was free, I'm a starving artist.)