"The Girl" by Yankeeruler

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The Girl


A girl wakes up with no memory, just the image of a family and a group of people. As she wonders where she came from, trouble stirs.....

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Chapter 1

"Who are you?"
asked a voice.
"Who am I? I don't even know." I answered.
It's the truth, I just woke up on the beach. When I woke up I didn't remeber how I got there. SHOOT I don't even remember my

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name or anything.
"Hey, you there? I asked you a question!!! "Wha-What? Sorry I wasn't listening."
"*sighs* Do you remeber anyhting?" Bob asked. Yes, I named him Bob.
"No. I don't remeber a thing." I answered like it was obvious.

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"Just follow me,"Bob said annoyed.
Hah! For some reason I just want to get Bob annoyed. Well, after that laugh I follwed him. Don't know why. After what seemed like years we finally came on to a gate. Bob told me to stay where I was. He went to talk

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to the guards at the gate. When he came back to me he said we are going to meet the King and Queen.
When we got to their majesites I bowed in front of them. Instinct I guess?
"Ello my dear," said the Queen.
"Ello" I replied.

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"Ah! Felow British I see? So glad you came here. May I ask, why are you here?" asked the Queen.
"I woke up on the beach and Bob here told me to follow him. When I did, we came here. I don't remeber anything." I answered.

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"Well, I think I can help you with that," she said. "ASHLEY, please come here, I have someone I want you to meet." called the Queen. "Oh, by the way, my name is Queen Athena and my husband here, is King Hercules." announced Queen Athena.

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As Princess Red came down, I chatted with the Queen. When the Princess finally came down the queen sai-ahem-commanded Red to help me retrieve my memory.
"Well, if I need to help her get her memory back, then she needs a name. Her name will be-" She

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was cut off by someone.
"Excuse me?" I asked.
"Amber, your name."
What?! This random guy just came in here and said Amber for my name.
"You look like a Amber. Your hair and your eyes."

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"Amber, this is Jacob, my son."
The prince... Now that I can get a better look of him, he's kinda cute. Brown hair....
AHEM* "Come on Amber!! Let's get this started!!!" She pulled me away. I could feel Prince Jacob's eyes burning into me as I

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walked away.

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Chapter 2

It has been 5 months. I figured out that the family memory was my family. I have a brother named DJ, a sister named Ashley, and two lovely parents. I grew up on a farm. I had many friends with the animals.

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The group of people was my friends. Piper, Jason, Nick, Percy, Annabeth, Hazel, Frank, and Leo. That is all I remeber.
***Later at Dinner***
"How was today, Amber?" King Hercules asked. "Nothing new, can't figure out anything." I replied sadly

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"Well, atleast tomorrow is your day off, right?" the King said.
"Yea," as I said that me and Jacob locked eyes. Over the past months me and Jacob have gotten close, very close. As I contuined to eat my meal the royal family talked around me.

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****The next Day****
After I ad breakfast, I went out to use my free day wisely. When I got to the marketplace, the prince stopped me. "Follow me,"
I followed him 'till we got to this coffee shop. When we went inside we were lead to a secret room just for

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the Royals.
"Wow, this place is amazing!"
"2 coffees please," Jacob ordered.
I can't believe this! Jacob taking me here!! *sigh*.
"Here Amber," he offered me my coffee.
"Thanks," I sipped some of the coffee.

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"Hey Amber?"
"I was wondering, do, um, do you, ha uh, youwanttobemygirlfriend?"
"Woah!! Slow down!!!!! I couldn't make out a word ou just said!" I proclaimed.

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"Do you want to be my girl-"

I blacked out...

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Note from Author:
Hey guys! Yankee here, I hope you like my frist book. I will be doing a book 2, but I don't know if I'll make it a series. If you want me too, just let me know!! Goodbye see you all later.

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Dedication Page:

Dedicated to my fiance Jacob. Who inspired this book. Im_an_ewok.

Also dedicated to his sister Red. CelloForLife.

Alsoe dedicated to my family. Thanks for being there!

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When elections for Mayor of Adders Field come, make sure to vote for Im_an_ewok! You can get a copy of his speech at my book shop. Yankee's Book Shop (name WIP). 3rd section of the mall, 1st floor.