"Public Pamphlet" by Andrew2001lb

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------------------- A New Era

A pamphlet to the people of Vindex.

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As many of you already know, dragon_12dk has stepped down from the position of dictator over the country of Vindex. He was a fair and just leader and will be missed in the government. Although dragon has led our great country through many difficult

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times, his position of power did challenge many of our country's democratic ideals. With the lack of a dictatorship in our government, more power and responsibility has been placed in the hands of elected officials. Unfortunately, elected officials alone

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cannot lead this country into prosperity. For with the era of the dictatorship now in the past, a new era has began. An era of democracy, for if this country were left to lead itself soley on temporary elected officials our democratic ideals will surely

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be weakened. For this country to continue to thrive there will have to be a revalation upon the people of Vindex. An enlightenment upon the soldiers, the doctors, the business owners, the police officers, the citizens and people of Vindex is needed not

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only to protect our democratic ideals, but also to develop them. For the greatest amount of power is not in the hands of the president or any other elected official, the greatest amount of power in our country lies in the hands of the people. So it is

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your duty, as the people of Vindex, to step up and speak out whether it be for or against the government. I ask of you, do not hesitate to question the government, instead help to correct the government. Whether it be a law you are against, a regulation

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you think should not be regulated or a government position that holds to little or too much power. The fate of this country lies within the hands of the people. For there to be a new era of Democracy it will require co-operation amongst the people of

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Vindex, to make sure that we protect our democratic ideals and prevent another dictator from taking power. For if the people want to have a prosperous nation we will have to co-operate together to perfect our government in hopes of having a more perfect

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future. Do not fear the power of the government, for you the people, have greater power.

I wish the people of Vindex the best of luck.
