"Affidavit" by LancasterB0MJR

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On penalty of perjury and Obstruction of Justice, I, LancasterB0MJR, affirm that all enclosed information is true to the best of my knowledge and that all events and facts within are true. I understand this may be used in the court of law.

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Yesterday, April 2nd, I was patrolling Seawall when we received a call about a hostage taking. At the time, the details were minimal and all we had was one name, fair_sirs. At the time, I had misunderstood whether the suspect had been kidnapped, or was

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the kidnapper. I asked in 911Broadcast, with mimimal response. Later in the patrol, I received a call through 911b that the suspect has been spotted in a red helicopter, flying from the shops near court, to collinsh. Having a spawn in collinsh, I warped

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there, still unknowing to me who was the captor and who was the victim. When I spawned on the roof, I was inside the mentioned helicopter. From here, I had unholstered my firearm (either my tazer or my shotgun, details are hazy). After which

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the suspect, fair_sirs, had asked the naval officer (whom I don't remember the name) to enter the helicopter. Fair had pulled to the side of the building, and when the victim attempted he jump in, he fell to his eventual death. After this point, I shouted

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into my radio. Asking if fair was the hostage taker, after an affirmative response, I looked to where the helicopter had gone, but last lost visuals at that point. I radioed in, letting them know that I perceived them to be heading to Alpha PD/Hospital

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area. A few minutes later, I was struck down in an unrelated confrontation, whic resulted in my swift departure (death). When I was revived, I was unaware of fair being wanted, since the Wanted List seemed to exclude him. At this point I resumed my patrol

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, as to which we received a call asking for officers to secure prison, for an incoming transport of fair_sirs. This radio message was provided by Akain, the only one with radio access at the time. After this radio message, there was frequent back and for-

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th, which I had completely overlooked as I was dealing with another situation. Then, soon after, we were informed of a "situation" involving fair being kidnapped. I had warped to the prison roof to check if everything was clear for myself, before

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dropping down. It was at this point that (through being nosy) I had informed myself that Fair had been forcefully taken from (what soon developed to be) the hospital. After receiving this information, I had stood waiting at prison, while the Chief attemp-

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ted to acquire the Attourney General. Over Global, Fair has requested two legal services, one inside the prison at the time, and one to be an "absentee". After the 15 minutes has surpassed, we had decided to let Fair go, upon which I helped him out of the

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prison, and opened the gate for him. He had seemed injured, leaving in a wheel chair. At this point, I had spoken to the AG about SS protection, a little joke I had pursued with the AG. After which, I had not heard anything about the situation, from what

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I recall, except a surgeon who had been a witness to the incident.
