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"To Game~" by ellllaa
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~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~Hello, my dearest! You are invited to Gypsy Manor! You are to show up at 8pm EST. To be prepared, there is a mandatory contract that must be signed before entering the Manor. Please, bring snacks and do not tell others about your visit
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here. You must have a python, as that will be the only weapon you may use. This will be a murder mystery party. On the next page, you will be assigned your role. You MUST roleplay as this role, and if you do not, bad things will come to you. The garage is
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OFF limits, and if you go in there, bad things will happen to you as well. You must stay inside the house, the back door is OFF limits as well.
Yo, Game! Your role is "The Mobster." You must roleplay as this role. As a mobster, you
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are generous, tough, and intelligent. You have absolutely no empathy, but you are selfless, and very understanding. But having good traits can just get you so far..
~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~you are to be at house, on sunday 8pm est. *note: you are to have your
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own skin. (based off the 1920s.)