"The End." by OllieQueen

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Written by:
Oliver Queen/Spectre
If you've discovered this place it must mean you're important.

I've trained and prepped Roy for this, he will carry on the Green Arrow legacy.

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I started doing this vigilante thing years ago, I've gained and lost good people along the way.

& over all these years I didn't expect things to end up here, I'm glad it did. (despite all of our ups/downs it's been a fun journey)
& I hope whoever-

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is continuing this journey.. You stick to your morals and remained truced with others who are apart of the same goal. (Protect the city)

Now I know there will always be a split between vigilante communities but hopefully in the future whoever is still-

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around will decide to put differences aside and come together.

I hope you all respect eachothers mantles and decisions, especially mine.

And... some last advice, don't be biased torwards anything, have an open mind especially if it-

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involves your friends. Don't support their bad actions or let it slide just cause it 'technically doesn't involve you.'

Understand all sides & all situations.


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That's pretty much it, dying's the easy part, the dead are at peace.

the real 'heroes' are the ones who have to keep going.

All good things eventually come to an end, it's been fun.

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This isn't a goodbye, more of a.. see you later.

Take care of yourselves.
