"Campaign 11/28" by LighterDarkness

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"One small step
for Vindex, one giant
leap for the people."

The Official Guide
To LighterDarkness

Vote For Lighter!

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Dept. Of Education

Almost anyone on
VindexCraft who has
been employed in
a legitimate job
will be aware that many tests are completely

Something needs to
be done.

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For example, the
Basic Law exam
asks only common
sense questions.
They talk about the
least violated laws
on Vindex (except
for the murder
question). Too basic,
and on partially
useless information.

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Additionally, there
are tests for jobs
which realistically
don't require a
higher (college)
education such as
street sweepers,
farmers and farmers.

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How will we fix it?

I want to motion the
the idea to found
the Department of
Education. This is a
body of individuals
which will be able to
teach individuals
the content needed.
All the information is on 500

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different knacks, and to be honest, you
can't become a cop
without knowing what
to do. One of the ways I thought to get the
answers was to break
a law and see what
the cops did. However,
I realized there would be another way.

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I eventually found
an archaic guide which contains outdated
information which
I had to work together just to serve this
country. We could use a department which
irrelevant guides &
decides what we need
altered on exams.

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The State of the VIA

Unfortunate to say,
but the VIA is not in
such a good state
as you might think.

No federal agency
no matter what it's
purpose is should
feel or be above the
law of the nation which it exists to serve.

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The Problems

First and foremost,
The VIA appears to
possess a leadership
problem, for the
director is of less
value than the losses
he has caused.

These being his awful
service as a Sierra
Oscar and

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many incidents where people claim that he
has gone out of his
way to do anything in
his power to get some
people he disdained

Additionally, it musn't be just isolated upon
me that a belief of
VIA uselessness is

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How can we fix it?

The primary problem with the VIA is the
unfortunate lack of
uses it possesses.

As I stated priorly
I wanted to abolish
Class Two Illgalization.
However, I seek for
misused guns to be

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Of course, a typical
police custody will be
issued. However, the
VIA can hold people
way longer. Suspects
that do not comply
during the custody
will be transfered to
the VIA if any are
online. This will cause
criminals to either

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become held for a
striking majority of
their time, or instead
causing them to spend thousands of dollars
all the time. Crime will
become expensive and no longer worth it.
Many criminals will
get so poor they
HAVE to change.

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Taxation Policy

Firstly, I would like
to second the motion
many others have
provided regarding
a repeal of 5% sales
tax, since it is hurting our already feeble
economy by taking
more money from

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10% Income Tax

However, the
aforesaid is not my
priority in the question of taxation policy.

My main plan is to
establish a 10% income tax that all citizens
can pay.

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Why This Tax?

I want this money to
aid businesses. I plan
on starting a corporate grant
office which will issue $10,000 to startups.

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WePay issues a check every 15 minutes to
all players. Cafola
CEO Neugs estimates
using a series of
calculations a WePay
inflation rate of
$360,000 average

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If we were to set an income tax at 10% we
would have $36,000
every day. In one
month we could
accrue the funds
to support almost
twice as many
businesses as
there are active
players. Taxes will
be lowered at that

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To make this idea
(recognized by
Lighter and Neugs
as the business
incentive plan) even
more useful, pay for
employees and
businessmen will be
negated by increasing their pay to the
nearest cent so that
pay is same as old.

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Representation Act

There seems to be
a small problem.
There's nothing
that would stop a
undesirable cabinet
member from making
changes that would
ruin their department.

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However, there
is not much expected
use for this idea.
However, it would
be a great tool for
enforcing the
preservation of the
democracy in which
we partake in.

This may be added
as an act or an

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How does it work?

First, a petition
signed by 15 citizens
with 3 reasons
outlined in detail
concerning why the
cabinet member
should be removed.

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Secondly, a
referendum must
recieve 75% approval
from participants.

Lastly, congress
must finalize the
motion with a vote
at least 66% in favor.

The Executive
Branch has no say.

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This idea was
inspired by the US
Declaration of
Independance where
states the people's
right to remove
an incompetent
Government not
capable of providing
to it's people.

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The petition is a
made by those who
first notice the
official's lack to
support Vindex.

The referendum is
show that the people
agree with the idea
that the official in
question is negatively
impacting the nation.

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The congress vote
is to prevent criminals
from taking power.
Since abuse of a
position is bannable
as stated by the
forums, this will help
ensure the legitimacy
of the decision and
concerns driving it.


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Restrictions Planned

- Cannot be proposed based on political
- Cannot be made due
incompetence of an
inferior to the official. - Cannot be proposed on the basis of an
offense prior to

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Pedestrian Safety Law -----

Let's all stop and
think. How often are
cars seen in the
middle of the road,
on our rare sidewalks, (which we should be
making use of), and
in front of doorways?

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What do we do?

Vindex needs
superior, more defined guidelines for parking. Additionally, we need
find a way to make it
possible to get from
one side of the nation to the either, if it
isn't visually appealing.

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Change To Driving Law -----

I seek to establish
a law forbidding
people to park on
sidewalks, within
7 meters of a door,
or at a crime scene.
This excludes vehicles parked before the
unlawful occurrence.

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Sidewalk Plan

Whether I get
elected or not, I
can still have this
happen. However,
I think it would be
wonderful if we had
safe places to walk.
§§This idea explains

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Business Registration

Numerous other
politicians and HoR
personnel have
already planned a
repeal. I am just
stating that I support
the repeal.

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My promise:

While serving any
position in the gov't
of Vindex Nation, I
pledge to employ my
skills and decency
to their fullest as to
provide the most
rational and beneficial changes. It is my goal
to secure a propserous future for Vindex Nation.

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Be Bright!
Vote for Light!

One small step for
Vindex. One giant leap
for the people.
