"OP : Liberty" by WobblyBae123

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Operation: Liberty


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Hello! Welcome to todays briefing, this is an emergency briefing and please listen to people talking. In this book there is information on what we are doing.

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Operation: Liberty -------------------Operation Liberty is a classified mission, all of you fellow law enforcers are now apart of it. you need to keep it very classified.

Operation Liberty is here for the safety of Vindex Nation and its people.

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Over the past few days there has been missile sightings in various locations. A Missile flew over Sea Wall City and stayed stationary. The last was a crater in Dorean which was caused by a missile.

The people who own these missiles feel no remorse toward

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Vindex Nation, they possess a high threat and may cary weapons.

With Operation Liberty we hope to find the missiles, who owns them and defuse them (disarm).


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Main Objectives:
1) We need to Identify the person who set the missiles off and who possess them.
2)When you find then (If you do) Contact WirelessPotato Or WobblyBae123
3) IF you find it we will go and see it, if it is in the

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city we will get it defused and destroyed.
4)Gather evidence of whos missile it is.


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Outcomes of
Operation :
-------------------We are doing this operation for the safety of Vindex Nation and its people.

Operation Liberty is a very serious operation, if you here to help us, be very serious

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Main Suspects:
-------------------Dognut: He has posted a forum post on how he is making missiles. He also stated in /g "I have nothing to lose". We belive the missile found in dorean was his. we also have suspision that the disarmed missile in

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Sea Wall City was his.

Floda: He has had past counts of charges towards himself; he has attacked the whitehouse and has used missiles before.


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-------------------ALL of this information is highly classified, if you get any information that will help us with Operation Liberty please contact WirelessPotato or WobblyBae123

Thank you,
Mission Operator