"Soldier Guide" by Enderhorse1

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Welcome to the Army, soldier. We are led by Sherlock1010, the General of the Army. Together, the Navy and Army form the Military, which is under the Department of Defense and led by the Secretary of Defense.

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The Military Base

The military base is accessible by executing the command "/warp military". There, you will find airfields, hangars, beds, restrooms, command rooms, training areas, and much more. This is the space where you will be spending most

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of your time while you are not fighting in the war. Remember that Enlisted soldiers are only to sleep in the Enlisted room, while Officers sleep in their reserved room. The command room also holds chests that are used for storage by the Army. Hangars

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hold airplanes and helicopters used by the Army. The airfield is long enough to allow for takeoff of these aircrafts. The base is surrounded by four towers, which soldiers could use if there is an attack. Behind the base is the training area, which

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includes spots for target practice and parkour. Remember that the base can and possibly will be attacked by enemies either at the gate or along the coast. If you see a trespasser or an invader, be sure to call for backup. If you see a structure in the

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water that is not one made by the soldiers, report it to higher authority so they can deal with it. If trespassers keep coming back after they are killed, try calling for police units to try and arrest them after they start shooting. Only soldiers can

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enter the base through the gate, so take advantage of that fact.

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The Pentagon

The Pentagon is a building that is located along the Addersfield-Westhedge highway. It is surrounded by large wheat fields and is about 300 blocks away from the "Redhouses". This building is controlled

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by the government, and soldiers can only enter if there is an attack on it. This building also has a gate, but it is controllable to allow other people in, such as police, if need be. As of now, the Pentagon is empty and unused, but it eventually will

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house important military things. As a soldier, do not actively guard this area, unless, like previously stated, there is an attack.

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Rank Structure

The Army is made up of two types of ranks, Enlisted and Officers. The Enlisted ranks are the following: Private, Corporal, Sergeant, Sergeant*, Sergeant**, Sergeant Major, and Command Sergeant. The Officer ranks are

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the following: Drill Sergeant, Lieutenant, Captain, Major, Colonel, General*, General**, General***, General****, and General of the Army. Drill Sergeants are special in the fact that they have more authority than Enlisted, but less than Officers.

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Soldiers are expected to listen to orders made by Officer ranks in battle and during training exercises. Each rank receives a different pay grade, so you will eventually lose the $50 Private pay. To rank up, spend time in the Army. "/ar" is very helpful.

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Methods of Discipline

There are multiple methods of discipline used in the Army. The most common types are the following: laps, where the soldier must run the number of laps assigned around the base. Suspension, where the soldier

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is banned from the Army for a certain amount of time. Permanent ban, where the soldier is permanently bannede from the Army unless Sherlock1010 says otherwise. To fire a soldier, you must execute the command "/MilitaryFire". Only

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select ranks can fire players.

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Treating Superiors

Soldiers are to treat all superiors and fellow soldiers with respect, and follow all Officers' orders the first time. You should address Officers with "ma'am" or "sir", as they have more authority than you.

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Test Answers

Soldiers are to not give away or hint any test answers for the Soldier test. Players are meant to search around for answers and gain knowledge themselves. You will be instantly fired if there is evidence of you leaking test answers.

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Warfare is the only area where Soldiers and Rebels are meant to actively engage in combat. To join, do "/warfare join". The map is Vietnam-themed and contains many forests and paths. Use terrain and strategies to your

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advantage to kill Rebels and improve your score. Team-killing is not allowed and will result in a fire if the same infraction occurs repeatedly.

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Strategies and Manuevers

Drill Sergeants will teach you various strategies and skills that you can use in Warfare. Important ones include strafing and flanking. Be sure to always pay attention to the battlefield.

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Remember that it is important to quickly adapt to changing situation, so you must be able to change manuevers on the fly in order to be successful.

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The Military cannot stress enough how important it is to remember to not commit crimes of any shape or form. You are also prohibited from shooting Rebels in the city and "helping" cops do their job.

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It will hurt both your reputation and the Military's.

The Army hopes you have enjoyed reading about the things that you expected to know about, and we'll see you on the battlefield!