"Coder's Secret" by SuperiorWolf101

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Here is a little secret

There's alot more to him than you think

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He lies about himself.
when you ask him how he's doing and he says good or fine thats a LIE. He lies to everyone. Hell he'll even lie to his friends and his family. Coder has been alone for a long time and some people may say thats not healthy for him

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but in his head he's been alone for so long that he thinks he doesn't need anyone. He says that he's better off alone. so when Coder says he's fine he is LYING

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Coder says that he is just a person who serves in the military. But he's a scientist. what he study's I don't know Coder sure does. I as a mercenary don't like what he does. I feel bad for those who are friends of him

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There is one thing im saying about LaughingCoder its that he is Dangerous and Crazy