"Dark Love-Part 1" by _KrazyKarisma_

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There once was a love,Between a poor girl and a wealthy boy, It was a beautiful love, But it was a secret love,The girl didn't know the boy loved the girl..And the boy didn't know the girl loved him.

This..Is there Story.

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"Hello Emma!" A young boy said to a pretty young girl,Whom was a bit smaller than the boy,And a bit thinner.

"O-Oh,Hello Jon!" Emma seemed a bit upset,
Jon guessed she was upset because her hair was covering her left eye,As if it was hiding a

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bruise or scar,Jon quickly asked Emma
"Did he hit you again?" Emma sighed as he asked her that, "Yes"

Jon carefully placed his hand on her shoulder,And gave her a happy hug that said "I'm here for you"

Emma smiled,And her hair was as it

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usually was,Down,And showing her big smile.

"Thats the emma I know!" Jon laughed,
Emma gave Jon a hug back, "Thanks Jon"

For the rest of the day they played in the woods happily,Until all that happiness stopped while they were playing

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A loud,Angry voice was heard..

"EMMA!!!" Emma knew whom the voice belonged to,And she knew Jon did too.

"I must go.." Emma sighed,Jon gave her a high five as she left the woods,Into her cottage.

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Jon usually wondered what it was like to be poor and abused most of the time,He wondered and wondered,Then he thought "Maybe..I can look in the window of Emma's home and..See?"
He knew what would happen if he was caught, But he needed to know..

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He peeked into the window, Just to see a small doll staring at him.

"What the hell.." Jon thought, Emma said once "We're too poor to buy dolls.." So Jon was confused,Was it..The wrong house?
No,It wasn't,Why would Emma go inside if its not her home.

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Did she even

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Hey! Thanks for reading,Part two will be out soon,So keep a eye out! The book was wrote by Karisma,
( _KrazyKarisma_ )

- § Karisma § <3