"The Bank Robbery" by XDUDE326

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It was the strike of dawn and all lights were going out. A excited and scared Phil was at his window. Watching, as all the lights went out in the apartments. He looked behind him to see his dark room with orange walls and laying in the beds were his two

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roommates John and Daniel lay sleeping on the beds of the room.
They are a poor group of friends that
have bad jobs and have to keep each other alive. He reached into the back of his pants to grab a python. He then reached into his pocket and grabbed

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a mask that some what looked like a American clown face. He woke up his two friends John and Daniel with a whisper. "Hey guys. Wake up it is time." They both then said at the same time. "Ok lets go." "I need to get ready real fast." John put on his black

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clothes and bullet proof jacket along with his ak47 strapped to his back. "The van is right outside." Says Daniel. All three of them headed out to the big black van that glimmered in the moonlight. They got in and started to drive of the the bank. They

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had been planning this for a while because of the lack of money they earn and they had planned it all out to. They arrived and went to the back of the bank. John placed the TNT and they walked away so they could blow it up. John then counted down,

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whispering. "3, 2, 1,"
BOOOM!!!! The bank wall exploded! They ran in as fast as they could. They saw the vault and ran towards it. Police and SWAT started t swarm into the building because as soon as the boom came many 911's were called. They acted

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fast and shot the vault so theu could get in it. Blam blam blam! They fired shots at the vault and it so happened to open. They started to collect the money while cops were shooting at them. 1000, 5000, 10000, 5 million! They ran as fast as they could to

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the van. Then something happened that none of them would have ever thought possible. Phil was shot. Phil lay there on the cold ground next to the explosion. SWAT surrounded him shot him a second time to make sure. They took the money back to the bank

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while the others kept shooting at them. John was traumatized. He couldn't think anymore. Daniel had to pull him out of there. "John! I know what happened but we have to go!" They got in the van and drove away. They did it. They got away. But they lost a

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friend that they will never gain again. They got their own mansions and cars over time but always thought about that night and what had happened. So remember maybe robbing banks isn't so smart. Actually its not at all. Hope you enjoyed!