"new recipes" by HormonekGrzegorz

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Red wine
7 netherwart
8 minutes
age 20 years any barrel

12 apples
16 minutes
distill 3 times
acacia 6 years

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10 wheat
10 minutes
2 distills
spruce 18 years

9 wheat
3 blue orchids
1 apple
6 minutes
2 distills

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8 cacti
15 minutes
2 distills
birch 12 years

5 eggs
2 sugar
1 milk
2 minutes
3 years any barrel

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12 wheat
7 wheat seeds
7 minutes
5 distills
spruce 1 year

2 netherwarts
10 sugar
5 gold nuggets
10 minutes

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3 cocoa beans
10 eggs
4 apples
4 red dye
4 orange dye
7 minutes
5 distills

amber ale
7 wheat
2 sugarcane
6 minutes

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peach cider
4 apples
4 red dye
4 orange dye
5 minutes
3 distills

triple sec
7 sugar
6 orange dye
3 apples
5 minutes
1 distill

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3 apples
7 melon slices
6 netherwart
8 minutes
3 distills
acacia 5 years

12 netherwart
5 bone meal
5 minutes
2 distills
birch 3 years

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10 grass
3 sugar
10 minutes
4 distills

3 wheat
9 bone meal
5 minutes
birch 3 years

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coffee rum
12 cocoa beans
14 sugar cane
15 minutes
6 distills
birch 5 years

8 melon slices
3 melon seeds
7 minutes
3 distills

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pumpkin spice mead
3 pumpkins
5 pumpkin pies
12 pumpkin seeds
6 sugar cane
8 minutes
birch 5 years

5 ink sacks
3 wheat
10 wheat seeds
7 minutes
spruce 3 years

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8 netherwart
6 sugar cane
15 potatos
3 minutes
3 distills

17 sugar
2 sugar cane
5 minutes
4 distills

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dandelion wine
8 dandelions
8 minutes
birch 3 years

sweet ginger beer
12 yellow dye
2 azure bluets
7 wheat
8 minutes
birch 2 years

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9 glowstone dust
5 apples
10 yellow dye
10 minutes
3 distills

summer shandy
6 wheat
2 apples
4 yellow dye
7 minutes
jungle 1 year

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creme de cocoa
2 milk buckets
15 cocoa beans
3 sugar
8 minutes
1 distill

creme de minthe
2 milk buckets
10 grass
3 sugar
8 minutes
1 distill

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grain alcohol
8 grass
12 wheat
15 wheat seeds
18 minutes
5 distills

spiced rum
18 sugar cane
3 sugar
4 redstone
3 glowstone dust
2 sticks

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4 distills
oak 5 years

hard seltzer
2 coal
3 sugar
3 minutes

12 poppies
2 minutes
3 distills