"SS Guide" by Xtreme4774

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=================== SecretService Guide
By: Xtreme4774

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Your job is to protect all government officials, Mayors, and Congressmen.

Secret Service
protect the following:
1. President and Vice President.
2. Speaker of the House.

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3. Secretary of the State.
4. Secretary of Defense.
5. Secretary of Press.
6. Secretary of Treasury.
7. Attorney General.
8. VIADirector.
9. Mayors.
10. Congressmen
11. Supreme Comannder

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This is a very important thing to know when you become Secret Service. You don't have power anywhere, especially the Bank. You only have power in two cases. One, you are defending the White House. Two, you are

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protecting a government official, which gives you power where they are. Not following the jurisdiction can get you fired. These are your bosses, respect them.

1. Attorney General
2. Sec. Of Treasury
3. Police Chief
4. **SS

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When In Action:

It is important to know how to do your job. As Secret Service, you put your life on the line. Starting with protecting a goverment official. You will do whatever it takes to keep them alive. You will take a bullet, a hit

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from a sword, or a punch to the face. Kill a threat immediatley, do not jail since it takes too long. Under no circumstances do you let unauthorized personal get within 4 blocks of a government official. If this happens, terminate the threat. For no

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reason should you arrest them. When protecting the White House, keep a sharp eye out for intruders. As said before, NEVER ARREST, but just kill them. No one is allowed in the White HouseĀ§ besides the Police Chief, Secret Service,

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and government officials. If the intruder is not one of them, TERMINATE!


Follow ALL laws of Vindex Nation. Not doing so will result in being fired. If you are abusive, you will be permanently banned.

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Tips and Tricks:

1. Always carry a sword, rifle, python, and some gunpowder. These are very useful.

2. Pay close attention to everything around you.

3. ONLY guard government officials.

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4. The President's word is above everyone's

5. NEVER jail, killing is a faster, more effective way.

6. DO NOT break laws, disobey orders, or abuse. You will get fired and/or banned.

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7. NEVER guard the bank. It will result in getting fired.

8. NEVER give out the location of a government official.

9. You put your life on the line for this job, even if that means dieing.

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10. Respect your commanding officers.

11. When not guarding a government official, guard the White House.

12. If you do happen to jail, keep a Jail Log.
All officers are required to have one.

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13. Report any abusive Secret Service to either the Police Chief or your Secret Service Leader.

14. Make sure you check in once in a while.

15. Be an influence to others around you.

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Follow this guide and you will be on the right track. After reading this, you are ready to become Secret Service! Remember to do your best and be your best. Train hard, follow the laws and rules, and you will be just fine. These are

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the things you need to know when becoming Secret Service. The more we grow, the better our lives will be. Hope you enjoy being Secret Service. Most of all, have fun in Vindex.
