"affidavit" by Livan

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On penalty of perjury and Obstruction of Justice, I, Livan, affirm that all enclosed information is true to the best of my knowledge and that all events and facts within are true. I understand this may be used in the court of law.

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Akain, Murio, and I were flying in a heli we spot Fair_Sirs on the roof of hospital (the very top not the heli pad) we saw him pull a gun out and I heard shots so we flew to him so our heli wouldnt blow up if shot. Since the hospital is a no pvp zone the

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safest option was to land on the roof with fair_sirs. To protect Akain I /rp cuffed him and got him into the helicopter and took him to Prison gates so he could be given to police custody.
Signed, Livan