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"Kiwi Cafe Room" by TheaStilton8
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Kiwi cafe
Here at Kiwi Cafe we offer the choice of reserving a room to host an event in. Just fill out a book about what you want in the room, what the event is and what you are ordering or call me (Theastilton8), Emmalee1213 or
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xHELLOx. We can add almost anything you want in the room but the more expensive those items are or how big you want the room will come at a price. Reserving the room is 30 dollars and to have a basic setup is free. If you want custom things like I said
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the price will vary and we will come up with one when we know what you want in the room. The size of the room also has a cost, here are some prices:
3x3 - Free
5x5 - 15
6x6 - 18
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The food you want can either be served to you and your friends or placed in a chest you can access.
Reserving a room is ideal for meetings, get togethers and other things!
Remeber to reserve a room fill a book out with all the details or
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call either me (Theastilton8) or Emmalee1213 or xHELLOx. If you fill a book put it in the chest in which this was in.