"ODA NDA 6/23/20" by JoinTheVPD

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[Non-Disclosure Agreement]

Office of the District Attorney


I, Steven Viktor (JoinTheVPD), agree to abide by the terms of this Non-Disclosure Agreement.

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As an employed member of the Department of Justice, I agree not to share, divulge, release, or otherwise copy any confidential information from the Office of the District Attorney that I may receive from employment.

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Confidential information is defined as information not available to any members of the public relating to the operation of the District Attorney's Office.

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The only exclusion from this Non-Disclosure Agreement is when the information released was released under the authorization of the District Attorney or the Attorney General.

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Violation of this Non-Disclosure Agreement may result in the prosecution for Obstruction of Justice and punishable by imprisonment and a minimal $10,000 fine, that may vary depending on the severity of the information and the release.