"Welcome Home!" by Tyman7245

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Welcome to your locker, this is a safe spot where you can store your items incase you dont want to take them out.

Tyman does have access to this chest, however he will not be taking anything. It is company policy that it is maintained.

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Here you have a book and quill, this is for taking customers orders and it is mandatory that you do take them. Dipending on your orders and that shift that will ditermine how much you will be paid at the end of the day.
Please use the format as followed

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"Current time and date"

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This will help you be more organized and more efficent in the workplace. This will also allow Tyman to restock on what was sold so that it is easier on the company and he knows how many drinks will be sold.

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You are allowed to keep your tipes however what you are required to do is pay Tyman7245 the amount of the total.

This will be how he pays his employees and divides the money.

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If you have any further questions, please do not be afraid to ask.