"Henry's Day" by CrazyTaylor

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Once there was a small mouse named Henry. Henry lived in a cottage in the middle of a wild wheat field. Of course, Henry could just go outside to pluck a wheat head from the wheat outside and nibble on it. He was never hungry.
Henry had many relatives

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too. Once in a while, they would come over to feast in the vast fields of wheat never hungry. Later on the would leave to where ever they lived.
Henry lived a peaceful life and hoped it would never end. But unfortunatly one fateful day, it did

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Henry was gathering some wheat one day when he heard loud noises. He climbed up a tree in the middle of the field and saw strange tall creatures. The creatures wore brown fur but only on some areas. They carried long silver and wood tools in their bare,

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naked, furless hands. They were almost half the tree tall. And worst of all, they were slicing up the wheat. The creatures were greedy, they chopped and sliced and gathered all the wheat they could get there bare hands on. Henry was distressed. He was not

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the only one who ate the wheat. Many other animals did too. If the creatures took all the wheat, the animals would starve and fight over the last grains of wheat, Henry, being a small, weak mouse wouldn't last long. So he came up with an idea.
He ran

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over to all of the animals homes telling them on the bad fortune that lay ahead. Then he gathered all the animals together and told them what was happening.
"Who are these horrid creatures" Deer proclaimed.
" How dare they." A rat growled.

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Henry looked at them with sad eyes. I do not know why they are here for sure but I think they need food for themselves.
"They are so big though they will take all the food away!" another deer cried.
Henry looked up "Exactly we will not let them"

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he proclaimed.
"Here is my plan" He started, "We grab all the wheat we can get our hands on and stuff it into our dens and houses and make a safe area to keep communal wheat."
"What good will that do?" complained a rat, "We will run out of wheat any

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way after a while."
Henry looked at the rat who spoke and said, "I haven't finished talking yet. Please don't interupt."
The rat muffled a Hrmph sound and looked down.
Henry continued, " Once we gather all the wheat we go over and attack their

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