"Wanted Act" by BarryBurns

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Wanted List Regulations Act


Dec 29, 2021

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Article I: Definitions

Section One:

1. Let "wanted list" be defined as the plugin which identifies players as wanted. To view the wanted list a Law Enforcement Officer can execute the command /wantedlist open or /wl open.

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A Law Enforcement Officer can mark a player wanted by executing the command /wantedlist add <player> <charges>.

2. Let "invalid reason" be defined as anything other than a crime.

3. Let a "crime" be defined as an action

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or omission which constitutes an offence and is punishable by law.

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Article II: Legislation

Section One:

1. Upon the passage of this act, a Law Enforcement Officer can only mark suspects as wanted for valid reasons.

2. Valid reasons include the crime/s

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they have committed in their current life.

3. It is a fireable offense for a Law Enforcement Officer to mark someone as wanted for an invalid reason.

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This Act was ratified the date 1/05/22.