"Revenge" by Neugs

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By Neugs

Published By
Ink Incorperated

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"Yawnnn," I sighed whilst blinking at a decelerating rate. I lifted my wrist above my head to check my watch. I was pretty confident I got very little sleep, like always. Low and behold, I was correct. I thought about my morning schedule for a minute,

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I would have to go get ready, have breakfast, go to work- but before I could continue thinking, I noticed something on my watch. I blinked a few more times, rubbed my eyes even. It was on my hands too... Blood...

A sense of panic grew within me.

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I crept downstairs, following a trail of blood, my worst nightmere as to where it led came true... The living room, where my friend was going to sleep for the night... Dear lord, she was covered in it, blood. A crimson liquid illuminated by the full

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moon's light. I remember it vividly. The exact time, 4:32 AM, the stained red carpet, the beautiful full moon, my friend's throat covered in stabs and slits, and my loud, traumatized screams of panic. She was so young, just 17 years of age... Minutes

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later there were bangs on the front door, I couldn't even answer. I was covered in tears and blood, how would they react if they saw me like this? I didn't have to imagine how they would react, considering I saw it first hand. Four of my neighbors, I grew

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up with them, I played with them, I was friends with them. Their faces of disgust, panic, and sadness all kept switching between me and my friend's corpse.

"Guilty," it took me a minute to comprehend what that meant, I went into deep thought.

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I heard two things. "Guilty," and, "20 years." I didn't kill my friend, I would never kill her. I have held our friendship close to my heart for years. Ever since the first day I met her. They thought, I of all people, killed her! It's crazy how much the

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world revolves around technology and it's
"Forensic science."
They seem to think us getting into an arguement and my fingerprints prove that I am a murderer. Me being framed made me mad, but what got me even more mad was the fact that the person that

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killed her got away with it.

"So, whatcha' in for?" my cellmate asked me after a prison guard kicked me inside the cell.

"Murder," I replied quietly, "One that I didn't even do!"

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He chuckled a few times, "Yeah, yeah, I'm sure you didn't do it, just like everyone else in this hell hole." He didn't believe me, just like the judge didn't. It made me mad for a moment, but then I realized I couldn't blame him. Everyone wants to

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believe they didn't do their crime, even if they did.

"So, you know my crime, but I don't know your's." I asked him.

"Well," he started, leaning back onto his messy bed with his arms tucked behind his head, "Murder, but

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I had a good reason to. My family was in a war, you see."

I interupted him in a startled voice, "Whoah there, what kinda' family do you have!?"

"Oh, haha, not that kind of family," he answered in a joking manner. "No no no,

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my criminal family."

"A criminal family?"

"Yeah," he responded, getting into a sitting position on his bed infront of me, "We're all very close and got eachother's backs. Have you seen those mafia movies? You know, with like the

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"Oh, yeah, but I always thought those were only in the movies."

"Haha, no. Those are very real and I was one of those mobsters," he explained.

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"Really?! Did you get mega rich or something!?" I asked almost yelling.

"Keep it down! It's night!" a guard scolded me from across the cell block.

"Whoops," I mumbled quietly, we both laughed.

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"Nope, I mean I got a decent income, but I wasn't riding around in lambos and living in a million dollar mansion. I was what they call a 'soladti,' or soldier. We just followed orders until we got promoted. I had to kill an enemy of the family, and I

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got caught. But some people? They don't get caught, they kill a lotta' people, and they get promoted. If they're really good they become a mob boss."

"A mob boss?"

"Yeah, like any other boss of any

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other company. They basically 'boss' everyone below them around. That's when you really make the money and get the power. They can get anyone to kill anyone, no questions asked. They get away with it too, since they aren't the ones doing it."

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"Wow, oh. I never got your name, what is it?"


A lot of time passed, Antonio and I became best friends. Me, him, and his friends hung out every day and I quickly became a part of the prison's

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community. Antonio and his friends taught me a lot. How to do crime, how to get away with it, how they did it, about mafias, they taught me about everything crime related. We also talked about our pasts, presents, and futures. Time flew by.

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I woke up to the sound of clanks on my prison cell's metal bars. It was a prison guard banging his baton between the bars.

"Rise and shine, your time here's up. Time to go."

I replied, confused,

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"But, I've only been here for 15 years."

"Parole," the prison guard replied with anger in his eyes.

"Parole? Am I still dreaming or did I actually hear the word 'parole'?" Antonio said with a drowsy voice.

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The ruckus must have woken him up.

"Not for you, dumbass, for him," the prison guard scolded, pointing at me and staring at Antonio.

"I'm ready. Antonio, tell the guys I am finally free and I can't wait to see them

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when they get released," I requested while walking up to the prison cell door. The prison guard opened it and took me to the prison gate. He opened it and demanded, "Get out."

From there, I just hitchhiked my way to the nearest town. I

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had to sleep on the floor of a shady alley.

I was just barely asleep when a man with a white button up shirt, a pair of khakis, and a cup of coffee in his hands. It was already morning, I slept all night but I still felt tired.

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"Well, well, well. What do we have here? What happened? You don't look like a bum, you've got pretty good clothes, even if they are out of style," the man said calmly after a sip of coffee. The prison gave me this pair of clothes before they told me to

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get out. The man began, "Well you're in our alley way, you slept here too. We can easily fine you, or..." I was sleeping between a McDonald's and a Chick-fil-A.

"Or what?" I asked, wondering what kind of shady deed he wanted me to do.

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"Or you can work here," the man suggested with a grin across his face.

"Grrrr," I groaned. Problem was that I didn't even have a job, so I really had no other choice than to accept his job offer, better than being in debt. "Fine!" I

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exclaimed, "What is the job anyway?"

"Cashier at McDonald's." When he said that, I really knew how low I had become, "I am the manager of the franchise!" the man bragged, full of pride. He took me inside, and the place actually looked quite

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good, I guess McDonald's stayed around while I was rotting in prison, and got it's act together while it was at it. He showed me around the place and introduced me to a lot of people. The employees were very nice to me and didn't mind one bit that I slept

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"So, why were you sleeping outside, anyway? Let me guess, kicked out by your girlfriend!" the manager laughed after saying it, "I felt bad for you, I am too soft, aren't I?" I looked down, acting like I was indeed kicked out

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by a girlfriend instead of a prison guard.

I had no home, so I bought something cheap at the local store with some lent money to get a bag. I put my uniform in this bag when I was off duty and sleeping outside, as to not get it dirty. I scraped up

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enough money to rent a run down apartment. Finally, I felt like I had a life again, I thought while laying in my cheap and creaky bed.

I woke up, and stared at the ceiling. I had a grin on my face, what I didn't have was a single sad thought.

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I couldn't wait to get the day started. I walked downstairs to get myself a bowl of cereal. I was texting my best friend when I heared her to me left screaming of pain. I dropped my flip phone and turned to my side to see a horrifying scene. A shadowy

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figure was stabbing and cutting my friend to death. I screamed, "NO! STOP IT!" The figure slowed down and stood up, throwing my friend's corpse on the couch. He turned his head towards me, I was frozen. The man pulled his knife out of my friend, lifted it

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up, and started running at me.

"NO!" I called loudly, jumping up from my bed. It was a dream, more like a modified flashback of that horrible night my friend was murdered really. Chills were sent down my spine as I stared up at my

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ceiling. The memory was almost forgotten, I didn't want to remember our bond or the end of it. I got up slowly, got ready, and went to work, not wanting to get breakfast.

I was distracted all day thinking about my deceased friend.

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Who killed her? Why'd they kill her? Where are they? The cops wouldn't do anything, so I had no other choice than to answer my questions myself.

After about a year I had saved up enough to get a private detective. They investigated the case

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and it turned out to be a harder case than either of us had anticipated. He kept asking for more and more money, but luckily I had been making money at a rate where I could afford it. After an unfathomable amount of anticipation, the detective finally

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called me and told me he had the answer, I immediately told him to meet me at my place.

He sighed, "Well, I've got bad news and good news," I gave him a stare that clearly meant I wanted to hear it all, "Well, first, the real murderer of your friend

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is...," he cleared his throat, "They're a mob boss. They run the biggest mafia of the city. The good news is, I know who they are, the bad news is they're almost invincible against the police.

"Get out," I demanded, "Your work

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is done, I need to think."

I thought for a long while. What do I do? What do I do!? I need revenge, but there's no way I can get the police to arrest him, and how am I just going to kill him myself!? He's a mob boss, I can't even

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see him, I'm a nobody. I layed down, deep in thought. "That's it!" I exclaimed. I need to prove myself to the mafia. I need to join the mafia, make my way up the ranks, and kill him myself after gaining his trust. I shivered at the thought of what I would

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have to do to get close enough to him. But Antonio and his friends taught me everything there is to know about the mafia and crime. Even if I had to do horrible things to do it, I had a new mission: join the mafia, get close to the mob boss,

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and get my sweet, sweet revenge.

To Be Continued...