"Last Night:2" by Im_an_ewok

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Last night. Part 2
By: Im_an_ewok
***********************I woke up again int he same tunnel, I am now thinking it is a sewer, the fire was still lit, and I was still chained, but the man wasen't there. I started to roll over to stand up, and my

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leg started to burn. It felt like it was on fire. Again when I tried to let out a yelp I ganged ont he piece of cloth around my mouth. I have to get out of here. I have to go. This is driving me crazy! I started to look at the chains wrapped around

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my hands, and stomach, it was all one chain, with a lock on it. That was my way out, I had to find a way to pick this lock. As a kid I was allways sneaking around the town, scaling the fence to the junk yard, breaking into back yards, and climbing onto

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rooves, that is why I am one of the best spys in the millitary. I remeber in training, getting chained up, and thrown into a pool, with nothing to hold us up. We had to escape the chains, and get to the surface. And you were in. But it had been so long,

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I don't even remeber how to pick a lock. I started to hear footsteps, I tensed up, and saw a figure turn the cornor. He had a bag in his hand, and a axe. He saw I was awake, and crouched down to my face, inches away from my nose.

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"Who the hell are you" I asked the man.
"Your worst nightmare." he spit in my face, and sat down next to the fire. In his bag he pulled out wood, and some food. my stomach rumbled, I was hungry. He looked at me with a crooked smile, and

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pulled a knife from his pocket, and pressed it agenst my check. I started to breathe heavily when suddenly he stabs something, a rat, and picks it up by its tail.
"This is your dinner to night" he said with a chuckle.

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He grabeed a stick from his bag, and sharppend the tip of it. He then stuck the stick all the way through the rat, and started roasting it over the fire. When it finished cooking he put down the stick, and came to me

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" If you scream, you're not eating anything tonight got it!"
I nodded my head. He lowered the rag from my mouth, and I did make a peep. He picked up the rat and handed it to me. I grabbed it, and bent down to eat it from my hand. It tasted discusting,

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but I knew if I didn't eat something, I would have the engery to run. I managed to keep the entire rat in my stomach as it lurched all around, trying to dispose of the rat. He left the gag off of me, which helped a lot.

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I didn't know what time it was, or what day it was. But he was asleep next to the fire, that was just flickering to stay alive. My gag was still around my throught, but wasen't in my mouth. I thought now is my time. As quietly I could I reached for

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a piece of scrap metal that had fallen off of the rod, that he had used to burn my leg. My fingers barely reached it but I was able to get it within my grasp. I checked to make sure I didn't wake the man. Then I searched for the lock.

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I found it right beside my rib cage. I stuck the sharpe end of the piece of metal into the lock, and tried to move the pins all up. I was starting to remeber how I did this. I got through the first one, then the second, third, and fourth.

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I got to the final pin and with a click, the shard of metal slid all the way through. I pulled gently on the upper part of the lock and quietly removed it from the chains. Now I had to figure out, how I was going to get out of the chains.

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I sat there and thought for a minute, and finally came up with a plan. I stuffed the lock in my back pocket, and feel asleep. When I awoke again, he was gone. Now was my shot. I started to unravel the chains, and removing them from my body, finally after

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what seemed like forever, I broke free of the chains, but when I went to stand, my leg gave out. It was still injured from the burn. I stood up again, gained my balance and I looked to where the man always comes from. And then I saw a figure, it started

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to run at me.

End of part 2

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Authors notes.
I know you must hate me with all these cliff hangers, but I have to do it. I don't want the books to be to long. Part 3 will be out and I promise WILL be the last book of this series! Thanks for reading part 2!

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Dedication page.

I would like to dedicate this book to my beautiful wife, Amber, and my amazing sister, Red. For allways suppporting me, and helping me through tough times!

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Thanks again for reading!