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"About Fidel_C" by Twister2439
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I have noticed that Fidel_Castro_fan Is of most importance to you. I would like to clear things up and say I can't say with 110% accuracy that Fidel is a ESM member. I saw him snooping on top of the roof while I was taking the ESM's exam.
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If he is a member, I will know by tomorrow.
On the subject of my reward, I would like to be recognized by Vindex, and would like a cash award. Now the prices Im about to list may seem rediculous for the time, but I hope the information I have to offer
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is worth it. I'm thinking in the range of 45k-750k. Anywhere in that range will be satisfying. I know this is a big request, but feel free to offer me less. Also if any specific information is required, ask me.
Good day!