"Bunker" by ShmexySheep

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What a fine evening it is... the open windows let in the smell of Spring, freshly cut grass made the hair on your arms stand up, and the breeze flowed through the house like a wave.

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Chapter 1

To us, It was a normal day. I was on my way to school with Mick and Patrick, the granny that always said hello said hello. The delivery man gave the post to that old lady. The dogs barked at the delivery man, while they ate their

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As we got on the bus, we felt a tremble in the Earth's crust. The ground shook beneath us and the bottle fell off of the bus driver's desk.

There was a shriek from the passengers on the bus, but no more.

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As the bus took off, we saw everything, as it had been. The Supermarket, the playground with the small kids who didn't have school and the blossoming flowers: The tulips, the daisies, the dandelions and the roses. Oh, the beautiful roses. Red, Orange,

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purple tulips spread across the fields that would not be there for long.

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Chapter 2
When shit hits the fan.

Tremor after Tremor, it got worse. People held on to their children. The newborns of animals bounced around the fields as they were so light.

Suddenly, a voice blared from the

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Mayor's House.


The voice was so loud, everyone covered their ears, but every

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person in this city heard the message.

It was broadcasted in the supermarket. The Delivery man's van. The school. There was no denying that someone... was certainly not right.

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Chapter 3


I looked Mick and Patrick in the eye and we knew we may never see each other again.

"Goodbye" we said in unison.

I dashed off the bus, onto the pavement,

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hurting my ankle as the bus stairs were quite high.

I started running with a slight limp, down the road, towards my house.

I had no clue where the others were or if they were ok, as my brother goes to a different school,

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my mother works just over the border of the state and my father works in a window factory down Window Lane Avenue Street III.

As I got back to the house, everyone was there, apart from Mother.

"Are you alright?

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You're limping" Questioned Dad.

"It's fine, let's just get inside and then we can talk." I responded.

"What about mo-"

"We have no time! We won't lock the doors, if she gets home, she gets home. If she doesn't..." I couldn't

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go on.

Chaper 4


We had been in the house for about 4 minutes. We were worried sick about Mother.

"Mom!" Exclaimed Jamie, my brother.

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Our mother pulled up in the driveway in her car.

The 3 of us were so relieved to see our mother and wife.

As she hurried into the house, he gave her a huge hug and a sigh of relief.

Window Town have

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been warned that something like this may happen, so we were prepared.

We knew, it was time to put this bunker of ours in action.

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Chapter 5


In the time that it took for our Mother to get home, we had gathered supplies to bring to our bunker.

We had already brought half of the things we needed down there, we just

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needed to bring some more supplies down, but we had time because no sirens had gone off yet. When the sirens go off, you know you're in trouble.

We brought down a few more bottles of water and tins of food that would last a long time, when Dad

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remembered he had something in the garage he was saving for an event like this.

He dashed to the garage and came back, yielding a mighty axe in one hand and a radio and flashlight in the other.

We head down to the bunker central room

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and set some things up.

We weren't long down there... everything was going well, until we heard sirens...

and a knock on the door.

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Author: ShmexySheep

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