"Newspaper 11/16" by Peachs30

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Table of Contents

Pg. 2-3= Voting
Pg. 4-5= Construction/BuildingsPg. 6 =NLR
Pg. 7-8= Idea's
Pg 9-10= Medical
Pg. 11= The People
Pg. 12= Closing

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For the 4th time we have voted, much more people have ran for Mayor, Swat Leader, DEA Leader, and much more. Just like in real life, people have been trash talking the other people who are running in the same catergory. I think that all people should be

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treated with respect, don't you? Well anyway, people have gone out of hand with the election.

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There have been some complaints lately that the bank is not open due to construntion. Dragon, our preisdnt, has been making changes to the bank. He has also been making some improvments. Another building that is being under construction is the police HQ.

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Many buildings have yet to be under constuction.

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So about NLR. People have complaining that they don't like NLR. Personally, I don't either. But whoever put it into Vindex had a good reason to.

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As player's in Vindex, people have their own idea's on how to make it better. Some people have said to me their idea's. One person said that there should be a physical drivers test and a written on to make sure people won't wreckless drive

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so easy. That's all that I'm allowed to give out to public. If you have any idea's please get a book and quill or mail me your idea. If you get a book, then please write the idea, who it's from, and then please give it to me

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From what some people have said, there has been a new type of cancer in Vindex. They have said that the cancer is called "The sloiders Of Vindex" I don't know if this is all true, but that's what people have said. Some doctors have refused

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to go to hospital when they are needed. As well as surgeons. They have refused to go to hospital cause theydon't have enough time or that they don't want to help the people of Vindex. What a shame. This has been Vindex medical

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From what people said that a mod or the president said, that people aren't allowed to swear in global. Not all people know that so most of Vindex is breaking the law. This has been The People for Vindex News.

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Thank you for your time. Please tell all you friends about Peach Press Inc. If you have friends who are reporters, have them call Peachs30. And this has been, Vindex News.