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"the life of Alex" by Awesomebooknerd
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one day in Vindex craft a boy named AlexGLife was a hobo
{No Ofense} he then made a friend his name was AweosmeBookNerd BookNerd gave him money then Alex used that money to buy a taxi drive to the school his first job was a lawyer. He then made a lot
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of money so he became a civilan.Then a 1 and 2 then he bacame 1 then he became a police.The cheif Loved him so much and then Alex became the mayor.He then helped AwesomeBookNerd with his stuff and he thanked him a lot.
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AlexGLife is no a great person and helps alot of peaople and stuff.
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Last night Alex went to sleep then someone sneeked into his house with a gun so the man was ready to shoot but just on time Alex woke up and ran away so he then called the cops and he survived