"Dear Mightybee15" by Prank_Perry

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Dear Mightybee15,

This is Sean. I just want to testify and
confirm that this ring is in fact from me.

I am being told many
things from your friend RyanDaTaco that seem completely out of proportion and are far fetched.

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I just want to write this to inform you that your friend here is trying to get money & items off me in order to please you, which I understand if you're still mad about every
thing that happened nearly 2 years ago, but when I mailed you a while back,

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I thought we were all
good, meaning you wouldn't come back asking for your items, money, ect. Please don't blame Ryan or anything. He's just doing you a favor like you asked him and doesn't want to come back empty handed. I have lots of thoughts saved

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If you'd like to talk to me to handle it yourself, which of course, i understand if you don't want to. If you do wish to confront me about any of this however, I'd appreciate it if you approached me instead of sending people like Ryan instead.

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Sorry if I caused any trouble. Ryan told me everything and I gave him the ring which was there from the start. If you still believe you're entitled to anything else, you can always talk to me. Or sue me lol.
