"NDA" by HMX_1_Commander

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------------------- THE
---------------- Statement of Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreement

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By affixing the username and roleplay name of an individual, the individual solemnly swears to waive their first amendment right to freedom of speech, expression, and any other right afforded by the Constitution of Vindex Nation regarding to the V.I.A.

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This contract does not waive the rights of an individual permanently; however, recognizes that the person agrees to censorship in regards to the actions, interest, operations, and anything deemed pertinent to national security by the V.I.A.

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The V.I.A. has the right to set consequences accordingly for violations of this contract. If an individual discloses V.I.A. material without proper, written approval, they shall be subject to prosecution, litigation, fines, and other necessary punishments

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Punishments may include:
- imprisonment
- fines exceeding (1) one million dollars
- blacklist from government service/positions

and any other potential punishment deemed necessary by the V.I.A. or court-process.

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Please affix your:
1) Username
2) Roleplay Name
3) Current Position
4) Date, time, timezone

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John Warosa
Alpha Police Station Mall Area

5:50 Pm January 7th 2021