"Doj member Rebel" by Endershadeow

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Interviewing the Elite:

Questions to ask:

What do you think of the rebels?

What do you think of their cause?

What happened that day at bank?

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Why were they killed?

What will you do about it?


1 - Livi (the warlord) is said to have absolutely the worst strategies he (NickOrphan) has ever seen.

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2 - question-like anser of is their cause like the one where they perform massacres and crime for shits or giggles?

me: both i guess.

1 is idiotic, 2 is meh but they are doing a poor job at it.

3 - big called us to b

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bank and he shot them; twice in fact.

then a third time but josh put a stop to that.

me: ok the aftermath of the incident?

well elan had to apologize to the staff for that.

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because killing protesters is bad i guess.

but it was more of a riot, there was gunfire before that.

big got no punishment though.

i lost my job as secretary for another reason.

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4 - because big told us to.

me: what are your thoughts on the massacre?

well, its a good thing there is no minecraft hague *winks* (?)

me: k

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wanna see a video of the massacre?

me: sure

me: well, have a good day dealing with rebels lmao.

me: dont take that as threatening; wasn't suppose to come out

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that way.

Inteviewee was NickOrphan - a department of justice (blue tag) member.

He seems to be apathic towards the rebel situation and seems to revile rebels; though its probably not what all doj members think.

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now to interview rebels.