"B&S Pt.3" by PsychoSulley

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Blood and Salt Pt.3

My blood was boiling. The time was on us to take everything and leave nothing. The tension on the ship, thick enough to cut with my cutlass. We waited for the signal from the recon crew. "SMOKE BOYS I SEE IT! THEY ARE TURN TO

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CANNONS SING!" I commanded. With my command the cannons burst into an orchestra of flames and smoke. "FIRE EM AGAIN BOYS! SHE'S STILL FLOATING!" I yelled. Again, the cannons erupted. A masterpiece I thought to myself. We cam up on the side of the damaged ship. Seeing

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bodies plastered to the deck. Blood leaking out of the corpses like a empty grog barrel. Such an artistic beauty in seeing death. "Get the boarding hooks ready." As I finished my sentence men raced up from the second level of the opposing ship swords and pistols in hand.

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"REMEMBER BOYS!" I yelled. "MORE PAY FOR THE CAPTAINS HEAD! BRING IT TO ME!" The crew hooked the ship and made their way across. I leaped across to the deck to join in the fray. Slicing the necks and watching the blood pour like a fine wine. Jenkins standing next to me covered in soot

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and blood giving me a devilish smile. I turned my sword sliced into the neck of one spun and ducked dodging the sword of another unholstering my pistol andfiring into the bottom of his chin. I could hear the crunch of his jaw breaking and the snap of his neck as it bounced back from

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the round. With the last of them killed off I made my way back to our ship. "CAPTAIN LOOK OUT!" I heard Jenkins yell. I turned around just in time to mostly dodge a dagger from a half dead man. He managed to slice my arm. I raised my sword and sliced into the top of his skull. Grey matter,

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blood and liquid rushed out as the mans eyes rolled back. I finished my stroll back to the ship and to my quarters. I was ready for my prize. Moments later Jenkins walks in with a bag. He opens it up and presents me with the head of the captain. "I'll take my pay now cap'n." He

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said. "Damn it Jenkins. You keep on winnin these contest you're gonna make more than me." I joked. "The men apparently found more than just riches. They found a map. No tellin where it be heading but It's not in the direction of an isle." He explained. "Is that so. Have em bring me the map and

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the captains gun. I want to add to my collection. Take anything we may need and let's get back sailing." I ordered. "Aye aye cap'n." Jenkins responded. He turned and left the room. I was left there, admiring the cut of the neck and spine to the severed head. Beautiful work if I do

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say so myself. But this map. What did he mean it didn't lead to an Isle? That doesn't make much sense to me. Where else would it lead. Only one way to find out.