"The Awe" by Jurassicwaryar

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"Johnathan, wake up." Johnathon arose from a dirty mat in the alleyway. "It is time from you to get us some money." Johnathon stared at the blurry face trying to recognize who it was. He squinted his eyes and a dirty haired girl

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appeared infront of his face. "Alright Melissa." Johnathon did his daily rutine, wake up, go to main street, wait for cars and beg. After 3 hours of walking up to cars, most of the time being rejected, he came up to a red car. It was old and dirty.

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He asked for money. The man rolled down the window, making a loud screeching noise. He looked inside the car. A familiar face stared deep into his burning eyes.

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End of Part One (Special Thanks to LT. ChriChri)