"daily news" by sophblue2002

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Good News!
rebels are falling fast in vindex the only rebel left that we know of is the head protester, which will be soon delt whith by the authority, but for now citizens dont have to worry about anything.

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"The museum is so clear no one goes there barley, but people dont think about closing it down even though it wasted city land and very bad for the echonomy, but if thr museum does finaly close down it will be a great oppurtinity for D.O.G to franchise ther

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Yellow fever continues to spread when there is no doctors on so it will be a big chance it could be u because doctors dont know how to avoid disease.

Doctors need to do some reaserch on disease.

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TimPvp joined rebels just 10 minuts after the first page was made and started getting more people into the rebels and threatend to burn the collintower, citizens who live in the collintower including collin must be worried.

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Gun industries are making it through the economy, and since their are very few gun shops its an easier chance for business man to get some money off of selling guns.

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a boy was bathing with his dad and his dad said dont look down son the boy looked down and said daddy daddy what is that, thats my snake dad said, then he bathed with his mom and mom said dont look up or down.

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"the boy looked up and said mommy mommy what is that thats my headlights then the boy looked down and said mommy mommy what is that thats my bush then they were in the bed together and mom said dont look under the blanket, the boy looked, and he said mommy

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mommy put your headlights on the snake is going into the bush.
-joke by sophblue2002
-newspaper by sophblue2002.