"Your Mother xoxo" by SquapingDeath

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How To Purchase Land
§ perminate while rent regions expire after a certain time period. If you own a buy region you are able to resell that region. Using the command /as help should help you s

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§§How To Purchase Land
property rules your house will be taken without a refund!
You can find the property rules in the ever so important

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______How The______
__Government Works__
VindexNation runs under a Dictorial Republic. The President is dragon_12dk and the position is non-elected. The president is th

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______How The______
__Government Works__
appointed by the president. It is the Speakers job to run congress and hold meetings. The Secretary of Defense is the leader of the Department of Defense. His power over the military is only seco

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______How The______
__Government Works__
the president. The Secretary of State works closely with the president and vice president to make sure VindexNation is up and running. The Attorney General is the leader of the justice depart

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______How The______
__Government Works__
You can see who holds these current positions

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_How Congress Works_
If the president and vice president cannot agree on a law then it is sent to Congress. In Congress the members will vote on if they should pass the law, or ve

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__How Court Works__
Court is where you go to sue people. You can only request a court case with /court, but there must be a judge on in order for the case to be held.
Some important things to know about court are...
1) You can only sue some

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__How Court Works__
for 2k max. (5k if the president agrees)
2) Be sure to have a proper reason WITH EVIDENCE to sue a person. Without it the case could backfire on you.
3) Hire a lawyer!!! Without a lawyer you are sure to

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_____The VNPD_____
The VNPD is ran by the Attorney General and the Deputy. They will handle the day to day operations of the department. If you want to join the police you can take the exam at /warp police.

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___The VN Military___
The Military handles all warfare for the citizens. They fight in the war against the rebels at /warfare. There are ranks to the military, and they can be found at /warp milit

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__How To Use Chat__
In VindexNation we have various types of chat modes.
/g -This is global chat, where everyone can hear you
/rp- This is rp chat, this is for players within a 50 block radius, it is als

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__How To Use Chat__
/radio- Radio is used for advertising your business!
/help!- Help! is used if you need assistance.
/911- Use 911 if you need to report a crime or need police to help with an ongoi

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___How To Make A___
To create a business you use the command /business create (type) (name). In the type section you choose from the selections in /business types, and in the name section enter the

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__How To Get A Loan__
§sTo obtain a loan from the bank you need to go to /warp bank and click on the LOAN sign. You can only recieve 1k loans at a time. It is important to repay this loan otherwise you will not be able to get an

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___Cities Of Vindex___
There are currently 5 cities in VindexNation
There is
1) Uptown- Uptown extends from spawn all the way to the police station.
2) Downtown- Downtown is from the police station to

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___Cities Of Vindex___
3) Seawall- Seawall extends from the college to the Seawall/Westhedge bridge. Seawall includes the college, bank, and BurgerPalace.
4) WestHedge- Westhedge extends from the Seawall/Wes

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___Cities Of Vindex___
bridge all the way to Addersfield Highway. Westhedge includes the Racetrack, homes4sale, and the WOW monorail.
5) Addersfield- Addersfield extends from the Addersfield highway and back. Addersfie