"Amend2CamelSAMPL" by Fire601

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Amends To The Camel
-------------------For many years now I have never looked a camel in the eye without feeling obligation to expiate in public print a crime that I once perpetrated when I said , as everyone else seems to have said before me, that the

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camel was an ill-tempered, evil-smelling, stupid anachronism. Recently I came upon an even more abusive attack upon the beast's character.
A big proportion of all that has been written about camels has been about th ARabian Camel, the tall, one

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humped beast. My particular friend is the two humped, long haired, short legged, Bactrian camel, bred and used throughout Mongolia, northern Tibet and Central ASia generally. No Occidental with any with any other common sense ever gets into a situation

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where familiarity with the Bactrian camel is possible. I, however, used to enjoy notoriety in the far east for getting in just the situations sensable persons kept out of. In the fall of 1918 I was comissioned to advance into Western China and Turkestan,

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to explain WOrld War I and victory to certain Muhammadan potentatates

Hope You Enjoyed This Books Sample, this is a start of a real artical called Amends to The Camel by Rodney Gilbert, try to find this online sometime